When Samaras says he can do it you better beleive it, yes he can! He has managed to convince the electorate that he had nothing to do with the previous interim government. He has also convinced the electorate that he was not to blame in anyway for the repeat elections we are having on the 17th of June. He has also managed to bring back into the fold of the New Democratic party, the Greek conservatives, Dora who had once sworn she would sooner collaberate with the devil.
http://www.filoumenos.com/index.php/2009-08-14-17-51-55/plugins/system/jceutilities/css/forum/components/com_comment/joscomment/templates/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3522:Ntora-Mpakogianni-Koybeloy-Mitsotaki-THa-pigaina-kai-me-ton-diabolo-an-itan-na-s%CE%BFso-tin-patrida-moy&catid=73:nwo-greece&Itemid=141. I realy hope this link works as it is quite entertaining. So I must tip my hat off to the man who starts his speeches talking about how he doesn't want the scared vote and then goes on to describe the endtimes if Tsipras and SYRIZA win.
http://oianentaxtoi.blogspot.com/2012/05/blog-post_4404.html. The truth is that we are not about to get kicked out of the euro. One has to agree to leave the eurozone as a unanimous decision is required. The psychological pressure on the populace is insane. Everyday we are bombarded from different sources with lies about how we will lose our wages, property, money, future, ability to breathe, if we dare vote for any party that does not uphold the agreements made by the previous interim government. Lagarde, the head of the IMF, was the funniest, telling us how we should feel sorry for the Nigerians and not the Greeks, how we, the Greeks, will end up like the Nigerians if we leave the Eurozone, and how we should pay our taxes. With the present law, and if the same idiots win the elections and form a government again, even people with no income will have to pay income tax. The filthy rich of course do not have to. They have their offshores and creative accounting to hide behind. Whenever a tax bill does appear they don't pay it anyways as the paperwork always seems to miraculously dissapear. Lagarde too is no exception but rather a brilliant example of what somebody holding public office must do to protect their interests. Lagarde's wage amounts to a mere 400000 (four hundred thousand) euros a year, tax free. Notice that I say tax free and not after taxes. Tax free is no worries, no responsibilies, total liscence. So screw you madame Lagarde, if Tsipras does manage to take first place you and your buddies will end up infront of a judge. If he doesn't we will probably have to go for a third round of elections...
Πέμπτη 31 Μαΐου 2012
Τρίτη 29 Μαΐου 2012
Olandreou, Merkelozi, Rodrigueras...
A popular name game in the last few years has been combining politicians' names to create a new word and suggest a possible correlation. I think it is unfortunate myself and many times in bad taste. The latest victim of this fad has been Olan, the French President, who had refused to meet with Tsipras, the leader of the Greek Left Coalition. Instead he opted to meet with Venizelos the leader of the PASOK socialist party. So Tsipras said that he hoped that Olan does not become an Olandreou and I assume he was referring to Andreas Papandreou, the man who formed PASOK in the post junta years. Andreas managed to change Greece in the early eighties with all kinds of political and social reforms that by the end of that decade PASOK had become the breeding ground for all kinds of opportunists and conmen. He may have also meant Goerge Papandreou who kept breaking promises to the Greek people. It is a very stupid negotiating tactic to promise the electorate that there will be no increase in the GST in order to pressure the Troika to back down on that demand. The GST was increased from nineteen to twenty three percent. Goerge also promised not to reduce pensions while the Troika was demanding just that. Guess what happened. The same thing happened to wages and extended pensions. Nowadays nobody is promising anything and I myself had to prepay for my newborn baby's shots and await a reimbursement in about eight months. Our family doctor, who administered the shot, is owed about a hundred thousand euros in visitation fees from the government. We are also waiting on family alowance cheques and all reimbursements for our third child. There is no money after the haircut, the infamous PSI, to the debt. Even at work I finished the work and will get paid whenever money shows up. Nowadays I realy wonder where that guy is. Twenty billion euros flew out of our borders in the last month...
Δευτέρα 28 Μαΐου 2012
Gunter Grass...
Europe’s shame
Close to chaos, because the market is not just, you’re far away from the country which was your cradle.
What was searched and found with one’s soul, is now considered to be as worthless as scrap metal.
As a debtor put naked on the pillory, a country about which you used to say you were grateful, suffers.
Poverty doomed country whose maintained wealth adorns museums of the loot you kept.
Those [World War II German nazi occupation soldiers] who hit the country, blessed with islands, with the force of arms wore both uniforms and [books of German poet, inspired by ancient Greek poetry] Hölderlin in their knapsacks.
Barely tolerated country whose colonels were once tolerated by you as an alliance partner.
Country which lost its rights, whose belt is tightened and tightened again by the cocksurely powerful.
Antigone defying you wearing black and all over the country, the people whose guest you have been wear mourning clothes.
However, outside the country, the Croesus resembling followers have hoarded all what glitters like gold in your vaults.
Booze at last, drink! [European] Commissioners’ cheerleaders shout. However, Socrates gives you back the [hemlock poison] cup full to the brim.
Curse you as a chorus, which is characteristic of you, will the gods, whose Mount Olympus you want to steal.
You’ll waste away mindlessly without the country, whose mind invented you, Europe.
Europas Schande
Dem Chaos nah, weil dem Markt nicht gerecht,
bist fern Du dem Land, das die Wiege Dir lieh.
Was mit der Seele gesucht, gefunden Dir galt,
wird abgetan nun, unter Schrottwert taxiert.
Als Schuldner nackt an den Pranger gestellt, leidet ein Land,
dem Dank zu schulden Dir Redensart war.
Zur Armut verurteiltes Land, dessen Reichtum
gepflegt Museen schmückt: von Dir gehütete Beute.
Die mit der Waffen Gewalt das inselgesegnete Land
heimgesucht, trugen zur Uniform Hölderlin im Tornister.
Kaum noch geduldetes Land, dessen Obristen von Dir
einst als Bündnispartner geduldet wurden.
Rechtloses Land, dem der Rechthaber Macht
den Gürtel enger und enger schnallt.
Dir trotzend trägt Antigone Schwarz und landesweit
kleidet Trauer das Volk, dessen Gast Du gewesen.
Außer Landes jedoch hat dem Krösus verwandtes Gefolge
alles, was gülden glänzt gehortet in Deinen Tresoren.
Sauf endlich, sauf! schreien der Kommissare Claqueure,
doch zornig gibt Sokrates Dir den Becher randvoll zurück.
Verfluchen im Chor, was eigen Dir ist, werden die Götter,
deren Olymp zu enteignen Dein Wille verlangt.
Geistlos verkümmern wirst Du ohne das Land,
dessen Geist Dich, Europa, erdachte.
"Η Ντροπή της Ευρώπης"
"Στο χάος κοντά, γιατί δεν συμμορφώθηκε στις αγορές· κι Εσύ μακριά από τη Χώρα, που Σου χάρισε το λίκνο.
Όσα εσύ με την ψυχή ζήτησες και νόμισες πως βρήκες, τώρα θα καταλυθούν, και θα εκτιμηθούν σαν σκουριασμένα παλιοσίδερα.
Σαν οφειλέτης διαπομπευμένος και γυμνός, υποφέρει μια Χώρα· κι Εσύ, αντί για το ευχαριστώ που της οφείλεις, προσφέρεις λόγια κενά.
Καταδικασμένη σε φτώχεια η Χώρα αυτή, που ο πλούτος της κοσμεί Μουσεία: η λεία που Εσύ φυλάττεις.
Αυτοί που με τη δύναμη των όπλων είχαν επιτεθεί στη Χώρα την ευλογημένη με νησιά, στον στρατιωτικό τους σάκο κουβαλούσαν τον Χέλντερλιν.
Ελάχιστα αποδεκτή Χώρα, όμως οι πραξικοπηματίες της, κάποτε, από Εσένα, ως σύμμαχοι έγιναν αποδεκτοί.
Χώρα χωρίς δικαιώματα, που η ισχυρογνώμων εξουσία ολοένα και περισσότερο της σφίγγει το ζωνάρι.
Σ' Εσένα αντιστέκεται φορώντας μαύρα η Αντιγόνη, και σ' όλη τη Χώρα πένθος ντύνεται ο λαός, που Εσένα φιλοξένησε.
Όμως, έξω από τη Χώρα, του Κροίσου οι ακόλουθοι και οι όμοιοί του όλα όσα έχουν τη λάμψη του χρυσού στοιβάζουν στο δικό Σου θησαυροφυλάκιο.
Πιες επιτέλους, πιες! κραυγάζουν οι εγκάθετοι των Επιτρόπων· όμως ο Σωκράτης, με οργή Σου επιστρέφει το κύπελλο γεμάτο ώς επάνω.
Θα καταραστούν εν χορώ, ό,τι είναι δικό Σου οι θεοί, που τον Ολυμπό τους η δική Σου θέληση ζητάει ν' απαλλοτριώσει.
Στερημένη από πνεύμα, Εσύ θα φθαρείς χωρίς τη Χώρα, που το πνεύμα της, Εσένα, Ευρώπη, δημιούργησε".
Τρίτη 22 Μαΐου 2012
deja vu
In a twist of fate and a crease in vested interests Merkel recommends Greece has a plebiscite. It is so ironic that when Goerge Papandreou, the elected Prime Minister at the time, had suggested a plebiscite last October, Merkel along with the Troika and the IMF had demanded he step down and be replaced by an interim government. They also demanded that a governing coalition be formed that would include the opposition and one more party. We then spent the next six months with no parliamentary opposition and new austerity measures with no end and no discussion. Merkel and her allies achieved this by holding back on loan payouts while collecting loan payments. Like getting your balls caught in a vice. I am told that the Nazi party was outlawed in Germany. It makes perfect sense, Merkel couldn't stand the competition.
Talk about dejavu...http://ellinomangia.blogspot.com/2011/11/dear-goerge.html. The big difference is in the time frames. Back in October we were talking about an interim government that would last into February, it lasted into May. Goerge Papandreou was made to be seen as a madman and the Germans made recommendations with a wink and a nudge. I guess that second part has changed to a hard shove. Nowadays with Tsipras and his party leading the polls their is an absolute panick in the press to discredit him. The power elite, be it represented by Merkel or by the bankers, feels threatened right now. If Tsipras manages an upset in the June 17th elections it will be the end of an era. I will remind everybody that a short three months ago the German president was forced to step down in a banking scandal. He was pressuring banks to give no interst loans to his powerful friends in return for his presidential favors. So in this Roman style orgy of mismanagement and Christian Democracy, with no opposition in sight, a hard turn to the left is clearly in sight. There is no other choice.
In local news members of Golden Dawn, our own NeoNazi party, arrived in busses in the city of Patras today. Along with locals a total of about three hundred "activists" entered the abandoned factory of Piraiki-Patraiki to kick out Afghan squatters. Earlier in the week a thirty year old Greek died in a scuffle with Afghanis after kicking their dog! Go figure eh. Tonight is the Eurovision semi-finals and we will have a mindless night of bad music and great scenery on the teli. Eurovision is like hockey night in Canada. Oh and Olympiakos, our own team from Pireaus, won the European basketball cup. So take that eh!
Talk about dejavu...http://ellinomangia.blogspot.com/2011/11/dear-goerge.html. The big difference is in the time frames. Back in October we were talking about an interim government that would last into February, it lasted into May. Goerge Papandreou was made to be seen as a madman and the Germans made recommendations with a wink and a nudge. I guess that second part has changed to a hard shove. Nowadays with Tsipras and his party leading the polls their is an absolute panick in the press to discredit him. The power elite, be it represented by Merkel or by the bankers, feels threatened right now. If Tsipras manages an upset in the June 17th elections it will be the end of an era. I will remind everybody that a short three months ago the German president was forced to step down in a banking scandal. He was pressuring banks to give no interst loans to his powerful friends in return for his presidential favors. So in this Roman style orgy of mismanagement and Christian Democracy, with no opposition in sight, a hard turn to the left is clearly in sight. There is no other choice.
In local news members of Golden Dawn, our own NeoNazi party, arrived in busses in the city of Patras today. Along with locals a total of about three hundred "activists" entered the abandoned factory of Piraiki-Patraiki to kick out Afghan squatters. Earlier in the week a thirty year old Greek died in a scuffle with Afghanis after kicking their dog! Go figure eh. Tonight is the Eurovision semi-finals and we will have a mindless night of bad music and great scenery on the teli. Eurovision is like hockey night in Canada. Oh and Olympiakos, our own team from Pireaus, won the European basketball cup. So take that eh!
Κυριακή 13 Μαΐου 2012
Alexander The Great Plan part 3
A quick look at Alexander's birthplace today. After three fruitless attempts at forming a coalition government by the three first parties the mandate goes back to the president today. He, mr. Papoulias, will wrestle to form a national unity coalition with all parties. Here the problems begin. SYRIZA, the second largest party, refuses to sit at the table if Golden Dawn, the neo-nazi party, is present. So the president will have two meetings with party leaders. One with the three largest parties and one more with the remaining parties that include the Independent Greeks, Greek Communist Party, Democratic Left, and the now legendary Golden Dawn party. You gotta fight...for your right...
The lines are pretty clearly drawn in the electrorate. About thirty percent of the population that is not in danger of personal bankruptcy continue to prefer former coalition parties of ND and PASOK. The remainder seventy percent that can't afford to pay another HARATSI have opted for any party that denounces the bailout plan. SYRIZA is now first in the polls and is topping twenty five percent. The magic number for majority rule with the fifty seat first place bonus is a mere thirty four percent. Enough numbers though. Europe is watching closely and knows that the next government will enact full disclosure and control of private banks and will rescind parliamentary asylum. That is bad news for Sarkozi, Merkel and all other thieves that have been driving the European south methodicaly to starvation. Full disclosure could even mean jail sentences for people at the top and Greece is considered both the first dominoe and the manifestation of European conscience, if there is any.
So after mr. Obama so graciously did the obvious to buy private banks instead of doing a blind bailout here in Europe we struggle with the same issue. Greece received eighteen billion last week for its banks and has given a total of two hundred billion in tax money to banks over the last four years. Money that simply dissapears into these private institutions with no hope of ever being recovered. Back in 2008 Greek banks were considered safe as they had steered clear of toxic funds and investments. Soon big European banks had bought controlling or very large share of banks here. I have a feeling, a very sound one, that we have been bailing out Europe and not the other way around. Maybe that is why their elite have been jumping the gun and threatening to exclude us from Europe altogether. So humpty Dumpty has fallen off the wall...
The lines are pretty clearly drawn in the electrorate. About thirty percent of the population that is not in danger of personal bankruptcy continue to prefer former coalition parties of ND and PASOK. The remainder seventy percent that can't afford to pay another HARATSI have opted for any party that denounces the bailout plan. SYRIZA is now first in the polls and is topping twenty five percent. The magic number for majority rule with the fifty seat first place bonus is a mere thirty four percent. Enough numbers though. Europe is watching closely and knows that the next government will enact full disclosure and control of private banks and will rescind parliamentary asylum. That is bad news for Sarkozi, Merkel and all other thieves that have been driving the European south methodicaly to starvation. Full disclosure could even mean jail sentences for people at the top and Greece is considered both the first dominoe and the manifestation of European conscience, if there is any.
So after mr. Obama so graciously did the obvious to buy private banks instead of doing a blind bailout here in Europe we struggle with the same issue. Greece received eighteen billion last week for its banks and has given a total of two hundred billion in tax money to banks over the last four years. Money that simply dissapears into these private institutions with no hope of ever being recovered. Back in 2008 Greek banks were considered safe as they had steered clear of toxic funds and investments. Soon big European banks had bought controlling or very large share of banks here. I have a feeling, a very sound one, that we have been bailing out Europe and not the other way around. Maybe that is why their elite have been jumping the gun and threatening to exclude us from Europe altogether. So humpty Dumpty has fallen off the wall...
Τετάρτη 9 Μαΐου 2012
Greek election results... also ran
PASOK the Panhellenic Socialist sellout Party has officialy lost the elections and has come in a distant third. The Greek conservatives, the New Democrats, have officialy won but without a majority. SYRIZA the Greek left coalition party is in second place. Fourth place goes to Kammenos and his party, that guy always makes me laugh and the Nazis are in there too known as the Golden Dawn party. Golden Shower might be more appropriate with their freakishly short leader and his overstuffed skinhead bodyguards that now number 20 MPs. Things are very extreme these days. Samaras, the leader of the ND conservatives already took a turn at forming a government but inspite of his 108 seats in parliament was unable to find support for a coalition. The simple truth is that ND and PASOK, the former coalition government supporters with 70 percent of the vote till last sundays elections, have been reduced to a combined force of less than 40 percent of the vote and less than 151 members of parliament. So the much hated IMF and Troika loans are no more. That is a fact. Or is it?
Tsipras, the leader of SYRIZA, also got a chance at bat but he too was unable to form a government coalition. The leaders of both PASOK and ND offered a vote of confidence with the only condition that Greece retain the euro as her national currency. Tsipras accepted their support with the only condition that their leaders send letters to the IMF and Troika rescinding their letters of guarantee sent before the election. I guess they refused to do that as there has been no straight talk since. It is funny when in history you find the point of no return. It has nothing to do with ability or human will but more to do with the movement of the planets. Getty Lee was able to march 15000 men unnoticed under the cover of darkness. He won the battle but then the south lost the war. If the memorandum and the Troika are not disbanded we will continue to see personal bankruptcies growing in this country. We will continue to see economic suicides that in the last two years number two thousand and include mostly family men and retirees. These numbers are the seeds of civil war sewn by a system whose only answer to pressure was to bash the weak with aggressive policies. In July that law that had protected Greeks from having their households foreclosed is getting rescinded. Time runs out. In as much as I see Tsipras as the only solution my neighbour sees Samaras as the only solution, his neighbour sees Kammenos as the only solution and the guy across the street will vote Golden Dawn from now on.
Kammenos is a funny case indeed. I say that mostly because he makes me laugh. A politician with a sense of humour is very rare in Greece. We are an ultra-conservative country. Kammenos is the founder and leader of a party of renegade conservatives that refused to vote the last memorandum. They were ousted from the ND party by Samaras and decided to form a party of their own called Independent Greeks. Kammenos gives some of the best speeches. He is rotund with a baby face and a rocker haircut of clean but greying hair. Above all he is clean, gleamishly clean. All politicians in Greece wear a suit. In his speeches Kammenos attacks the bankers for lending eachother at one percent and lending to governments at six or seven percent. He attacks Merkel for her expansionist policies and her attempts to reduce Greece to a protectorate of Germany. He opens bridges to China and Russia. He speaks of the proud Greek nation. He talks of conspiracies to thwart us, to deny us our land and our power to raise food and be self sufficient. He refers to the Belzbergs and others by their name and has no problem playing conspiracy theories on the tips of his fingers. He is mad. He is angry. He is right wing. He is Kammenos!
The real reason that nobody seems to be able to rule Greece nowadays is Golden Dawn. You see the parliament is split down the middle. The winning party, ND, got the 50 seat first party bonus, so thus 58 elected plus 50 bonus makes for 108 MPs. The second and third parties are in the 40 something MPs. That means that even the biggest party, ND, needs a three party coalition to rule, and that the hard left can't rule without the support of one of the memorandum signing parties, ND or PASOK. The only way out of this conundrum for either side is to accept the support of Golden Dawn and Vancouver clubbers may get a good laugh out of that. Nobody dares to work with those nazis. We will probably see elections before the month is out. Greetings to all and keep on rocking, in the free world!
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