General Order number 1 is non interference, General Wesley Clark however gives an interview where he admits US plans for the middle east while casting the blame elsewhere, "...came from above..."
The truth about the middle east and Syria is that petroleum is running out everywhere else. The other truth about the region is that religion offers an excellent point for leverage. Everytime there is turmoil in the area analysis eventualy boils down to differing Muslim factions and religious leaders along with their fanatic followers. There is an endless pool of victims of violence who would like to become perpetrators in turn. It is a simple process. Everytime that a car blows up the only victim that is not random is the suicide bomber, becoming one gives the individual this sense of control along with the distinction that seperates them from the crowd. Of course nobody would take their own life simply as a fashion statement so religious leaders offer spiritual incentive to commit the double sin of murder-suicide. The "higher cause" clause is good mental food for western military servants who also need a moral excuse or reasoning to start shooting or bombing at random in some far away country. Typically though once the fun begins there are many volunteers who will do any number of unspeakable acts just for the hell of it. Putting an end to terrorism is simply fodder for the public ear. I have a feeling that everyone in the military knows who's next and is simply biding their time.Trekkies know that intervention only leads to worse violence and hopefuly the Trekkies will rule the day with the non-interference prime directive. Gotta love those Vulcans.
The truth about the middle east and Syria is that petroleum is running out everywhere else. The other truth about the region is that religion offers an excellent point for leverage. Everytime there is turmoil in the area analysis eventualy boils down to differing Muslim factions and religious leaders along with their fanatic followers. There is an endless pool of victims of violence who would like to become perpetrators in turn. It is a simple process. Everytime that a car blows up the only victim that is not random is the suicide bomber, becoming one gives the individual this sense of control along with the distinction that seperates them from the crowd. Of course nobody would take their own life simply as a fashion statement so religious leaders offer spiritual incentive to commit the double sin of murder-suicide. The "higher cause" clause is good mental food for western military servants who also need a moral excuse or reasoning to start shooting or bombing at random in some far away country. Typically though once the fun begins there are many volunteers who will do any number of unspeakable acts just for the hell of it. Putting an end to terrorism is simply fodder for the public ear. I have a feeling that everyone in the military knows who's next and is simply biding their time.Trekkies know that intervention only leads to worse violence and hopefuly the Trekkies will rule the day with the non-interference prime directive. Gotta love those Vulcans.