Κυριακή 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

ERT-Simos says...

So we're back with more news from our Greek reality. I can only say that things here remind one of a zoo. Liapis is back from his trip to the east. He has already blamed the media for his "spiritual relaxation" trip to Kuala Lumpur. Seems that they gave him too much attention after his arrest and he needed relaxation and relief in the far east. They sure know how to pamper you over there, especialy if you have been a naughty boy. No need to ponder on your own behaviour when you are rich and powerful. Below is the fromer minister pictured in handcuffs and on the return of his relief trip.
Hope you got it out of your system mate! In our local politics the same kind of spoiled brat behaviour is quite common. Our former mayor was uploading touching pictures of his wife to local internet news sites last year. It was the event of her funeral and we all got to see pictures from their life together in a sort of tv reality recap, you know the kind they play when a player is leaving Big Brother or any similar reality show. This year the same former mayor is all over our local internet news sites testing the waters for his new candidacy for mayor. He is busy uploading pictures from his recent wedding to his second wife complete with closeups of important guests, mostly Members of Parliament, in a glamorous second wedding ceremony complete with fireworks. All this at the peak of mt. Lycabetus, the most visible church in Athens. No understatement here. I sure feel for his kids from his first wife. Me, me, me.
Who are these fine looking gentlemen? The three wise men they are not! You are looking at what can only be described as payback. In the middle is Emil Liatsos, in charge of news at ERT, to his right is Bill Tomopoolos second in charge. To the left of them is Nick Simos general manager of ERT. You can bet your last beans they are still on the payroll but ERT, our public broadcaster, is no more. After a year of trying to censore the news on public television, and failing, they moved to plan B.

Say hello to Simos Kedikoglou, government representative, who informs us of the gross misuse of funds over there at ERT, Greek public television. How crews charge overtime and how they use more employees than nescessary when doing on location work. "All this till now. Today we are shutting down ERT". With that phrase the government pulled the plug on public television blackening our screens. Simos says... reminiscent of the good old days with the dictators deciding what we get to see on YENED, the only tv station back then.

Then along came the public outcry that kept public television open from that day, June 11th 2013, till the 7th of November. During that time, 5 months, the workers maintained control of the building and managed to broadcast via satellite everywhere. It must suck to work without pay for that long. Not only without pay but without compensation either for if you are fired from a healthy corporation you must be payed severance according to Greek law. Having fired all two thousand employees, but not the board of directors, the government refuses to pay severance. The details are boring but the final result is the same. 2000 illegaly fired employees, no public television for the rest of us, a fascistic regime style democracy for all. I will make a note here that in 2012 public television showed a profit of 86 million after taxes. Euros that is.
A suicide by a distraught female former employee of ert channel 3 did nothing to change the tide. Bullies will be bullies to the bitter end and there seems little one can do to get them out of government. They are not alone of course. A good chunk of Greek society supports them. After all what seems like bullying to me seems just to those who for years support our New Democratic Party, our own lovely conservatives. Believe me their supporters are not about to bite the hand that feeds...
One can still access public television here:
I would also like to list some of the achievements of ERT over the years but I will do that on a later post. Happy Holidays to all!

Δευτέρα 23 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

Liapis-Maggali rocks! Happy electric Christmas...

Above is pictured a maggali. It was a popular way to heat your home, if you were too poor to afford a chimney, a couple of centuries ago. One can load it up with coal, like a barbie, or wood or even coke if that is available. It must be lit outdoors so that the dangerous fumes related with an open fire do not enter ones' home. Once all the dark spots dissapear from the coals it is safe to drag indoors. The one pictured here is clay with wrought iron legs and a very practical cover if one has some socks to dry by the coals.
 Above is pictured a former minister of Transport. That is to say a Greek former minister, now retired, who was in charge of regulating all things to do with motor vehicles. Insurance, licence plates and all other things where his jurisdiction. Other things in Greece include our annual licence fee in order to drive our car. Whoever cannot pay this fee is required to immobilize their car and return their licence plates to the nearest revenue Greece office. Having a larger vehicle, anything over 2000 cc, is extremely expensive and includes a luxury tax. Total annual cost to drive your car, if it is a VW Touareg that is, is 5000 euros.
 Above is pictured a modern day maggali, constructed out of an old oil barrel with re-bar legs. Many out of work construction workers prefer this do it yourself model as it fits many cut up planks and scaffolding. You need lots of scrap wood in order to end up with enough coals to heat your apartment for one night. So a barrel being almost ten times bigger than the old maggali is ideal. You light it up on the balcony and feed it wood until there is enough coals to last the night. Once the dark spots dissapear you may drag it indoors.
 The little girl pictured above is the latest victim of this maggali heating process. People of course would simply use an electric space heater if their power hadn't been cut off. This girls mother had a 2000 euro utility bill, of which only about 200 euros would be actual electricity, that she couldn't pay. As a result the power was cut off a couple of years ago. Living without electricity in a modern city is nearly impossible. Using camping gas for cooking and candles for lighting, the balcony for a fridge and a maggali for heating. I can't imagine living only with cold water while raising kids. Anyway the poor woman dragged in her maggali before all the dark spots had dissapeared from the coals. The result was the carbon monoxide poisoning death of this young girl.
 Our benevolent former minister of transportation, pictured above before, was kind enough to turn in his licence plates on his luxury SUV. However he did have a counterfit plate printed so that he could boogie around at will thus saving himself about 10000 euros over the last two years. All this till last week that is, when he was caught red handed and arrested. Check him out in the after caption below explaining to us how he just wanted to charge up the battery. No explanation for the counterfit plates though...
So in the aftermath of all this the government decided to reconnect all 350000 (three hundred and fifty thousand) households to the grid that had been disconnected thanx to that unconstitutional Haratsi tax. It will cost the rest of us a measly 50 cents a year to pay for the bill. It took one more death to change the tide. As for Liapis he is spending his x-mas with his favorite escorts in Singapore while staying in a five star hotel. I kid you not. At least every little kid in Greece will have electricity this x-mas.


Oh and I would like to say that at least in this country the suffering of the poor is a direct result of the greed of the rich. They will never have enough. Also the suffering of anyone that comes into close contact with our former minister while he visits Singapore should also be factored in. In Greece if you are affluent we say that you have "chimney" ancestry. Liapis would be said to have been bred  from a political "chimney"... no maggali for him.

Τετάρτη 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

High rollers... Foondoolis-Capellonis

It would be unfair not to mention here that there are over 300000 (three hundred thousand) households without power in Greece today. It is a result of the Haratsi tax that was attached to our power utility bill. That combined with a hike in the cost of electricity and other taxes that are attached to that utility combined also with a fine for exceeding 2000 kwh in a four month period... many households owe in excess of a thousand euros to the power utility. Many families have reached a dead end. Consider that in the last two years families with an annual income of a measly 6000 euros where facing a tax bill of over one thousand euros. The cost of living in Greece is higher than most of the euro zone. Keeping a family in milk and bread alone costs in excess of 800 euros a year. Add to all this the one and half million unemployed and one can imagine that the country is on the brink of either a revolution or a civil war. Many desperate youths joined the Golden Dawn party. A party that openly proposed the violent oust of democracy and the rekindling of Nazi ideology with a full dose of hatred. All this Goebbles style propaganda culminated in the stabbing murder of Fyssas this past fall. What followed, nearly two months later, was a drive by shooting of anyone standing outside the Golden Dawn party offices in New Heraklion. Two youths payed the hatred with their lives and a third got away. Fast reflexes indeed. This shooting did more to change the political climate of polarization in Greece than anything else in the last six months. And I say six months because it has been that long since the government locked down our public tv. If you can't make sense of any of this I don't blame you. I will keep blogging but don't expect things to become less nebulous just by reading this blogg. 

An ironic application of the GD parties motto Blood Honor Golden Dawn.
Next installment will be on the closing of public tv last June and the 70th anniversary of the Kalavryta slaughter.

Δευτέρα 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

alea jacta est - so long Killah P aka Paul Fyssas

To all my friends and family overseas I feel like I owe you an apology. It has been so long since the murder of  Paul Fyssas by a member of Golden Dawn that you would think I would have written sooner. The truth is that our present government has no qualms about taking things to an extreme end and we were all living in fear. All of my Greek friends who have moved here from abroad that is. For those who have never been outside the countries borders to live and be part of a different culture this did not strike a nerve. I feel that for Killah P, p is for past, he also may have felt dissapointment but most likely not fear even as the knife entered close to his heart ending his young life on a sidestreet in Athens. Fascists are everywhere these days in Europe and despite their "nationalistic" image have managed to hammer out a common agenda. In my previous post I describe how the core leaders of Golden Dawn ended up in jail after this sorry event. Below I publish the lyrics of the song that supposedly inspired the specific member of Golden Dawn to fataly stab this young man in the chest. I must also say here that if it was not for the outstanding courage of a young female officer who defied her superiors orders there would have never been an arrest.

Έγινε ο κόσμος μια μεγάλη φυλακή                                  The world has become a huge jail
κι εγώ ψάχνω έναν τρόπο τα δεσμά να σπάσω,                  and I am searching for a way to break the chains,
έχω ένα μέρος που με περιμένει εκεί,                                I have a spot that is waiting for me there,
σε μια πολύ ψηλή κορφή πρέπει να φτάσω.                      at a very high peak that I must attain.

Γι αυτό απλώνω ξανά πολύ ψηλά                                    That is why once more my hands
        τα δυο μου χέρια,                                                         I reach out high 
για να κλέψω λίγο φως από                                            to steal a little twinkle from the stars
        τα λαμπερά αστέρια.                                                    that brightly shine.

Μου είπαν να μην κάνω όνειρα τρελά,                              They told me not to dream such wild dreams,

να μην τολμήσω να κοιτάξω τα αστέρια,                           avoid daring to stare up at the stars,
μα εγώ ποτέ μου δεν τους πήρα σοβαρά,                        but I never took their words to heed,
πήρα τον κόσμο ολόκληρο στα δυο μου χέρια.                 I took the world entirely into my two hands.

Δεν αντέχω εδώ κάτω και κοντεύει να με πνίξει                 I can't stand it down here and it has nearly drowned me
των ανθρώπων η μιζέρια τόσο, όσο κι η θλίψη.                 in human mizery but also human sadness.
Δεν αντέχω άλλο κι όλοι αυτοί δε μου ταιριάξαν,              I can't stand it anymore and I can't relate with them
πήρα τάλλο μονοπάτι κιόχι αυτό που μου χαράξαν.         I took another path not the one they carved out for me.

Εκτός ελέγχου, μοιάζει με επανάσταση που αρχίζει,       Out of control, it seems like a revolution started,
ο σκύλος λύσσαξε και άρχισε να βρίζει,                         the dog has gone rabid and begun to cuss,
το ποτήρι όμως έχει ήδη ξεχειλίσει                                 the glass however is already overflowing
το όνειρό μας έχει βρει την λύση...                                 our vision has found the answer...

Ήταν δύσβατο, σκληρό και με παγίδες πολλές,              It was unpassable, tough and with many trappings,
αγάπες σκάρτες και φίλοι φαρμακερές οχιές.                 rotten lovers and friends as poisonous as asps.
Είχε τέρατα με παράξενες στολές                                 It had monsters clad in strange uniforms
που παραμονεύαν πάντοτε κρυφά μες στις σκιές,           that lurked constantly hidden in the shadows,

Μην κοντοσταθείς αν πρόκειται ακολουθήσεις,               Do not stand still if you intend to follow
τα δόντια σφίξε γερά και μη δακρύσεις.                         clench your teeth and do not shed a tear.

Εγώ το πήγα και το έφτασα στο τέρμα                         I followed through to the very end
κι όπως γράφουν στα βιβλία οι παλιοί σοφοί,                and as the wise write in books of old,
όταν θα φτάσει ο ήλιος στο τελευταίο γέρμα,                when the sun has reached its final turn,
θα βάλουνε φωτιά από ψηλά οι αετοί.                          the eagles will set the fire from above.

Για όσους με πρόδωσαν με πίσω μαχαιριές                 To all of those who betrayed me with backstabbings 
 θέλω να ξέρουν ότι σιγά μην κλάψω.                          I want you to know I wont even weep.
Και για αυτές τις αγάπες τις παλιές                            And for those lovers from the past
 θέλω να ξέρουν ότι σιγά μην κλάψω.                           I want them to know I wont even weep.
Κι όσοι μ'απείλησαν με πύρινα δεσμά                          And to those who threatened with fiery restraints
 θέλω να ξέρουν ότι σιγά μη φοβηθώ.                           I want you to know I wont even wince.
Ναρθούνε να με βρουν στην κορυφή ψηλά,                   Come find me here on this high peak,
 τους περιμένω και σιγά μη φοβηθώ.                            I await thee and I wont even wince.          

Μου είπαν να μην κάνω όνειρα τρελά,                              They told me not to dream such wild dreams,
να μην τολμήσω να κοιτάξω τα αστέρια,                           avoid daring to stare up at the stars,
μα εγώ ποτέ μου δεν τους πήρα σοβαρά,                        but I never took their words to heed,
πήρα τον κόσμο ολόκληρο στα δυο μου χέρια.                 I took the world entirely into my two hands.

Θέλουν τώρα να μου φτιάξουν μια φωλιά,                        They want to set me on a lower perch,
που εκεί πάνω της το φόβο, την ασχήμια                         to place it upon the fear, the ugliness
κι ένα κλάμα γοερό και μια αλυσίδα βαριά,                    and a wailing cry and heavy chain,
κουβαλάει την κατάρατων θεών και τη βλασφήμια.          carrying the blaspheme and curse of the gods.

Δε θα δακρύσω μια και δε θα φοβηθώ.                          
I will not weep a tear once nor will I wince in fear.
Δε θα αφήσω να μου κλέψουν τα όνειρά μου,                 I will not alow them to rob my dreams,
ελεύθερα, ψηλά, πολύ ψηλά πετώ                                Free, high, way on high I fly   
κι'όλοι ζηλεύουν τα περήφανα και αδέσμευτα                 and all envy my proud and unhindered wings.
 φτερά μου.

Και περιμένω κι'άλλα αδέρφια για να'ρθούν                    And I await more brothers to arrive
σ'αυτήν την κορυφή που όλους περιμένει,                       to this peak that awaits everybody
αρκεί να μη δακρύσουν και να μη φοβηθούν                   as long as they do not weep or wince  
σ'αυτήν την έξυπνη απάτη, την καλοστημένη.                 at this deceptive scam, this smooth con. 

Για όσους με πρόδωσαν με πίσω μαχαιριές                 To all of those who betrayed me with backstabbings 
 θέλω να ξέρουν ότι σιγά μην κλάψω.                          I want you to know I wont even weep.
Και για αυτές τις αγάπες τις παλιές                            And for those lovers from the past
 θέλω να ξέρουν ότι σιγά μην κλάψω.                           I want them to know I wont even weep.
Κι όσοι μ'απείλησαν με πύρινα δεσμά                          And to those who threatened with fiery restraints
 θέλω να ξέρουν ότι σιγά μη φοβηθώ.                           I want you to know I wont even wince.
Ναρθούνε να με βρουν στην κορυφή ψηλά,                   Come find me here on this high peak,
 τους περιμένω και σιγά μη φοβηθώ.                            I await thee and I wont even wince. 

Έγινε ο κόσμος μια μεγάλη φυλακή
κι εγώ ψάχνω έναν τρόπο τα δεσμά να σπάσω.
Έχω ένα μέρος που με περιμένει εκεί,
σε μια πολύ ψηλή κορφή πρέπει να φτάσω.
Γι αυτό απλώνω ξανά πολύ ψηλά τα δυο μου χέρια,
για να κλέψω λίγο φως από τα λαμπερά αστέρια.
Δεν αντέχω εδώ κάτω και κοντεύει να με πνίξει
των ανθρώπων η μιζέρια τόσο, όσο κι η θλίψη.
Δεν αντέχω άλλο κι όλοι αυτοί δε μου ταιριάξαν,
πήρα τάλλο μονοπάτι κι όχι αυτό που μου χαράξαν.
Ήταν δύσβατο, σκληρό και με παγίδες πολλές,
αγάπες σκάρτες και φίλοι φαρμακερές οχιές.
Είχε τέρατα με παράξενες στολές
που παραμονεύαν πάντοτε κρυφά μεσ στις σκιές,
Μην κοντοσταθείς αν πρόκειται ακολουθήσεις,
τα δόντια σφίξε γερά και μη δακρύσεις.
Εγώ το πήγα και το έφτασα στο τέρμα
κι όπως γράφουν στα βιβλία οι παλιοί σοφοί,
όταν θα φτάσει ο ήλιος στο τελευταίο γέρμα,
θα βάλουνε φωτιά από ψηλά οι αετοί.Για όσους με πρόδωσαν με πίσω μαχαιριές θέλω να ξέρουν ότι
σιγά μην κλάψω.
Και για αυτές τις αγάπες  τις παλιές θέλω να ξέρουν ότι
σιγά μην κλάψω.
Κι όσοι μ απείλησαν με πύρινα δεσμά θέλω να ξέρουν ότι
σιγά μη φοβηθώ.
Ναρθούνε να με βρουν στην κορυφή ψηλά, τους περιμένω και
σιγά μη φοβηθώ.Μου είπαν να μην κάνω όνειρα τρελά,
να μην τολμήσω να κοιτάξω τα αστέρια,
μα εγώ ποτέ μου δεν τους πήρα σοβαρά,
πήρα τον κόσμο ολόκληρο στα δυο μου χέρια.
Θέλουνε τώρα να μου φτιάξουν μια φωλιά,
που εκεί πάνω της το φόβο, την ασχήμια
κι ένα κλάμα γοερό και μια αλυσίδα βαριά,
κουβαλάει την κατάρα των θεών και τη βλασφήμια.
Δε θα δακρύσω μια και δε θα φοβηθώ.
Δε θα αφήσω να μου κλέψουν τα όνειρα μου,
ελεύθερα, ψηλά, πολύ ψηλά πετώ
κι όλοι ζηλεύουν τα περήφανα και αδέσμευτα φτερά μου.
Και περιμένω κι άλλα αδέρφια για να ρθουν
σ αυτήν την κορυφή που όλους περιμένει,
αρκεί να μη δακρύσουν και να μη φοβηθούν
σ αυτήν την έξυπνη απάτη, την καλοστημένη.Για όσους με πρόδωσαν με πίσω μαχαιριές θέλω να ξέρουν ότι
σιγά μην κλάψω.
Και για αυτές τις αγάπες  τις παλιές θέλω να ξέρουν ότι
σιγά μην κλάψω.
Κι όσοι μ απείλησαν με πύρινα δεσμά θέλω να ξέρουν ότι
σιγά μη φοβηθώ.
Ναρθούνε να με βρουν στην κορυφή ψηλά, τους περιμένω και
σιγά μη φοβηθώ.

Next instalment will be on the victims from the other side of the rainbow...