Παρασκευή 24 Ιανουαρίου 2014

Radioactive Pellet...Savas Xiros

     The latest in a series of illogical events. Since the decision to equate heating oil and diesel prices things in Greece have taken a turn for the worse. Of course in terms of statistics Greece looks much better as heating oil, having tripled in price, is no longer a commodity. I will simplify this, nobody heats their homes anymore, not with central heating anyways. Instead people have invented things like the maggali to heat their apartments or have installed wood stoves. In many cases homemade wood stoves made out of scrap metal or old water heaters are the means of heating. The increased tax on heating oil has decreased consumption to the point where the trade balance has shifted. The excuse, as tax revenue declines, is that this way bootlegging, the use of heating oil in taxis and other diesel vehicles, will stop. Last time I was in Athens during a cold spell one could not open the window or venture outdoors from the smell of burning particle board, novopan, old furniture, and any other form of wood that should end up as scrap. Things get even scarier than this. In the north part of Greece, as well as in Athens, many people have installed pellet stoves to heat their homes. Pellets are relatively cheap, anything is now cheaper than heating oil, but bootlegged pellets are much cheaper. Less than half price. Presto logs too. Part of our positive trade balance that looks so good on paper has to do with smuggled goods from other, former soviet block, Balkan countries. So in Bulgaria they press anything into pellets including old furniture and of course they sell pellet from the Ukraine. So what is so terrible about pellet from the Ukraine? radioactivity in the form of caesium-137 that's what. It also gets carried off on the ash burn-off so that you may end up breathing it in and becoming radioactive. Of course I no longer live in Athens. Just too damn dangerous.
     Greece has been ruled for quite sometime by that which naturaly rises to the top. I cannot describe it more succinctly than this Canadian author does in Defence Against the Psychopath:
Certainly Stefan Verstappen has put his finger on a truth that is so self evident in my country as to explain everything that has been going on recently. How else to explain the actions of someone like Liapis who is the rule and not the exception when it comes to Greek ministers. To explain the invention of a tax system that forces the most productive third of the populaton into abject poverty. To explain a legal system that protects violators of the law and rewards those that have pilfered billions. Three suicides a day for the last five to six years that can be linked directly to this so called crisis. The latest proof that our country is being run by psychopaths is the carefuly planned release of a terrorist hitman from prison.

See if you can tell which photo is of the psychopath...

     Mr. Xiros, having killed five employees of the US embassy in Athens during his carreer, was on a leave from prison and did not return. The plot thickens as it turns out he was also given freedom of movement within the prison before his leave and seems to have spent the holiday season visiting with other much younger terrorist inmates. There was no anklet or police escort during his eight day leave. He did not return. No ministers have resigned. As a matter of proof of psychopathy the ministerial cabinet decided to blame the opposition for this latest turn in events. We are now waiting for the next terrorist hit as this man, to your right, a fugitive with a million euro reward, has promised to do something big. The man on your left is of course our Prime Minister. Either one is a correct answer...
So the last ditch effort for our ruling class of psychopaths is a terrorist hit and a change in voter preference. A sympathy vote. It has worked in the past with the forest fires of 2006. Why not try it again? Otherwise all is lost as an electoral win for the opposition would translate into blind justice and justice for all putting many of these psychopaths behind bars.
