I've been itching to write a blog about the situation in Crimea and the dissapearance of the Malaysian jumbo jet. I believe the two events are absolutely related. Certainly many of you will be expecting to hear a conspiracy theory that spans the globe. Certainly a jumbo jet dissapearing off of radar and suddenly becoming untraceable is something impossible to achieve. Also the sudden appearance of debris in four day old satellite images is also suspect. As is the endless coincidences that seem to make it impossible to find any physical evidence for more than two weeks now. An American base on a tiny island in the Indian ocean has been discussed much on the news here as well as another senario buzzing on the net with high tech stolen devices. Everything points to the Americans. They have always been the favorite culprits of any conspiracy theory. I can certainly see how they would be suspect in a jet crashing. Ooops, no palpable evidence of that yet. I certainly feel for the families of the passengers. To be fed blatant lies for two endless weeks and then to top it all off they are now being offered compensation! Definetely has all the elements of an americano- centralized conspiracy.
I checked out my stats on this blog yesterday to find 20 hits from the Ukraine on March 25th. I do not know what they were doing since when I checked the stats article by article the numbers did not add up. I guess they visited without reading, or opening any specific page. Irregardless of that I will mention that March 25th is the day we celebrate our independence won from the Ottomans in 1821. It all started in Odessa, Ukraine, with the declaration of the circle of friends, Filiki Eteria, in 1814. The Filiki Eteria was a secret organization with the sole task of winning Greek independence. Something like a Greek IRA or ETA or PLO. Of course having eventualy achieved their goal they did not go down in history as a terrorist organization. As for the fate of the Greeks of the Ukraine and of the Crimea, well things here get very complicated. Today there are 150000 Greeks living in the Ukraine. The lands that are washed by the Black Sea are a part of ancient Greece. I was happy to see Barak Obama declaring March the 25th 2014 a day of Greek independence. However I do not understand his stance on the Crimean referendum. I certainly understand why people want to abandon the Ukraine and rejoin the Russian Federation. Better wages, more security, no Nazi freaks. I have been very timid writing my little blog here since the Nazi freaks got into the Greek Parliament. Generaly they are not nice people and only understand the law of the jungle. As a matter of fact if it was not for Obama and American pressure our Nazis would still be at large. So why the sudden support to neo-nazi supporters in the Ukraine? Maybe there is a lack of intelligence. It has been a common problem at the CIA. Maybe they aren't aware of the story behind the Kiev snipers and who bankrolled them. Maybe there is a lack of information about the recently murdered leader of the Ukrainian neo-nazis. Certainly there was a lack of American involvement before that little coup in Kiev. And what about Germany. Suddenly there is a new suspect. Merkel seems to be very guilty in her absolute silence. Any conspiracy theory about neo-nazi movements in Europe and their financing will probably point back to Germany and its totalitarian raised leader.
So I am not alowed the usual luxury here of blaming everything on the Americans in a velvety smooth conspiracy theory. Now we have a German finger. Like an evil gerrymandering political power Germany has won its right to be part of any serious conspiracy theory. Of course the Germans have not learnt how to play chess yet and have so far managed to foul things up over and over again. Here in Greece, over there in the Ukraine, and with the loss of over a trillion in investments in the good old USA. Taking this into account along with the fact that Germany would instantly cease to be a player without Russian gas, well now I can certainly understand american pressure on Germany and Europe to condem those Ruskies. Reminds me of those good old KAL 007 days. The chessboard was much simpler then with only two players...and presidents did not visit popes.
I checked out my stats on this blog yesterday to find 20 hits from the Ukraine on March 25th. I do not know what they were doing since when I checked the stats article by article the numbers did not add up. I guess they visited without reading, or opening any specific page. Irregardless of that I will mention that March 25th is the day we celebrate our independence won from the Ottomans in 1821. It all started in Odessa, Ukraine, with the declaration of the circle of friends, Filiki Eteria, in 1814. The Filiki Eteria was a secret organization with the sole task of winning Greek independence. Something like a Greek IRA or ETA or PLO. Of course having eventualy achieved their goal they did not go down in history as a terrorist organization. As for the fate of the Greeks of the Ukraine and of the Crimea, well things here get very complicated. Today there are 150000 Greeks living in the Ukraine. The lands that are washed by the Black Sea are a part of ancient Greece. I was happy to see Barak Obama declaring March the 25th 2014 a day of Greek independence. However I do not understand his stance on the Crimean referendum. I certainly understand why people want to abandon the Ukraine and rejoin the Russian Federation. Better wages, more security, no Nazi freaks. I have been very timid writing my little blog here since the Nazi freaks got into the Greek Parliament. Generaly they are not nice people and only understand the law of the jungle. As a matter of fact if it was not for Obama and American pressure our Nazis would still be at large. So why the sudden support to neo-nazi supporters in the Ukraine? Maybe there is a lack of intelligence. It has been a common problem at the CIA. Maybe they aren't aware of the story behind the Kiev snipers and who bankrolled them. Maybe there is a lack of information about the recently murdered leader of the Ukrainian neo-nazis. Certainly there was a lack of American involvement before that little coup in Kiev. And what about Germany. Suddenly there is a new suspect. Merkel seems to be very guilty in her absolute silence. Any conspiracy theory about neo-nazi movements in Europe and their financing will probably point back to Germany and its totalitarian raised leader.
So I am not alowed the usual luxury here of blaming everything on the Americans in a velvety smooth conspiracy theory. Now we have a German finger. Like an evil gerrymandering political power Germany has won its right to be part of any serious conspiracy theory. Of course the Germans have not learnt how to play chess yet and have so far managed to foul things up over and over again. Here in Greece, over there in the Ukraine, and with the loss of over a trillion in investments in the good old USA. Taking this into account along with the fact that Germany would instantly cease to be a player without Russian gas, well now I can certainly understand american pressure on Germany and Europe to condem those Ruskies. Reminds me of those good old KAL 007 days. The chessboard was much simpler then with only two players...and presidents did not visit popes.