Greek is a funny language at times. Certainly it is rich, ancient, colourful, accurate to the human condition. I should think it will become the official language of the EU now that BREXIT is slothly taking shape. I digress, it is the use of the word Indian in the Greek language I want to discuss. Ινδιάνος, indianos, is used for native American Indians as opposed to Ινδός, Hindi or East Indian, for the people of India. Greek is like that. You can spend a lifetime tryng to figure out what something means in English and in Greek it is crystal clear. Probably the reason most medical and scientific words have Greek roots. So it is very clear to a Greek what an Ινδιάνος, native American Indian, is. As with other words in a language this one too has taken on an extra meaning, to describe those things that remind us Greeks of American Imdians.
The Honda 250 Enduro from the 70's, especialy the red ones, and later on all 650 enduros of any manufacturer where considered "Indian" bikes. To any owner of an Indian motorcycle this may sound odd but I will explain some of the reasons. One is the logo Honda used that resembled the wing of a bird, possibly an eagle, something reminiscent of native headdress. The sense of freedom and the ability to go anywhere as well as its resemblance to a horse all these things earned these bikes the honorary title of "Indian". A Honda screaming up Patission avenue doing a wheely while the driver shifts through all the gears, what could be more Indian than that?

Certainly a motorcycle revving and standing on its rear tire only is reminiscent of an Indian charging on his stallion. Indianos many time refers to the underdog, to the man taking on a task against impossible odds, to the brave and rightous.
Tomorow, December 6th, is St. Nicolaos day, patron saint of the navy and protector of all sailors. It is also the day that the US law enforcement units at Standing Rock are to remove all protesters. I believe that the Sioux have every right to defend their lands, their water, their burial grounds and their future. An uneven fight, a huge corporation backed by the entire dirty political and financial elite taken on by a handful of natives and misfits, can't get more "Indianos" than that. Pray with me that there will be a peaceful resolution at Standing Rock, that the people will bring the nescessary change, that St. Nicolaos will intervene for the sake of Natives and their water. Let us stand with Standing Rock.
Now I am not sure how Obama's official visit to Athens could be called Indian. Maybe it is that one hour long speech he gave at the Niarchos foundation. It is so refreshing to hear a US President talk about the need for inclusive democracy and so on. Certainly a man that has taken on a tough job and up against impossible odds. His visit to Greece a message to the world about the values of Democracy and solidarity with refugees. Many references where made by the President to the brave people of Lesvos and other Greek islands who jumped into the waters of the Aegean in order to help refugees trying to cross over from Turkey. To my neighbour, a sweet little old lady on her way to water her fields, and to many other Greeks I talked to his visit signifies something else. Behind the glowing words a new arms deal and an impending war in the Aegean. I hope the elders are wrong.
Let us also sign a petition to put an end to another dirty deal. The EU Turkey refugee exchange scam. For every Syrian Greece deports to Turkey a Syrian will enter Europe directly from Turkey. The agreement puts power in the wrong hands. The hands of Erdogan. Please copy the link to learn more and sign if you like.
The Honda 250 Enduro from the 70's, especialy the red ones, and later on all 650 enduros of any manufacturer where considered "Indian" bikes. To any owner of an Indian motorcycle this may sound odd but I will explain some of the reasons. One is the logo Honda used that resembled the wing of a bird, possibly an eagle, something reminiscent of native headdress. The sense of freedom and the ability to go anywhere as well as its resemblance to a horse all these things earned these bikes the honorary title of "Indian". A Honda screaming up Patission avenue doing a wheely while the driver shifts through all the gears, what could be more Indian than that?

Certainly a motorcycle revving and standing on its rear tire only is reminiscent of an Indian charging on his stallion. Indianos many time refers to the underdog, to the man taking on a task against impossible odds, to the brave and rightous.
Tomorow, December 6th, is St. Nicolaos day, patron saint of the navy and protector of all sailors. It is also the day that the US law enforcement units at Standing Rock are to remove all protesters. I believe that the Sioux have every right to defend their lands, their water, their burial grounds and their future. An uneven fight, a huge corporation backed by the entire dirty political and financial elite taken on by a handful of natives and misfits, can't get more "Indianos" than that. Pray with me that there will be a peaceful resolution at Standing Rock, that the people will bring the nescessary change, that St. Nicolaos will intervene for the sake of Natives and their water. Let us stand with Standing Rock.
Now I am not sure how Obama's official visit to Athens could be called Indian. Maybe it is that one hour long speech he gave at the Niarchos foundation. It is so refreshing to hear a US President talk about the need for inclusive democracy and so on. Certainly a man that has taken on a tough job and up against impossible odds. His visit to Greece a message to the world about the values of Democracy and solidarity with refugees. Many references where made by the President to the brave people of Lesvos and other Greek islands who jumped into the waters of the Aegean in order to help refugees trying to cross over from Turkey. To my neighbour, a sweet little old lady on her way to water her fields, and to many other Greeks I talked to his visit signifies something else. Behind the glowing words a new arms deal and an impending war in the Aegean. I hope the elders are wrong.
Let us also sign a petition to put an end to another dirty deal. The EU Turkey refugee exchange scam. For every Syrian Greece deports to Turkey a Syrian will enter Europe directly from Turkey. The agreement puts power in the wrong hands. The hands of Erdogan. Please copy the link to learn more and sign if you like.