Why do the Illumionated ones (Illuminati) try so hard to dim the light of civilization? It is because they glow better in the dark of course! If they were truly illuminated they would not feel the need for secrecy that so riddles their brotherhood. But what does that have to do with Brexit? Probably not much but at the same time everything. In the past few years it has become obvious on the mainland that the European Union is not united and that the European Parliament is not part of descision making or policy setting or legislating. It is mostly ornamental and bureaucrats along with secretive organizations like the Eurogroup have all the power. I can't blame the British for wanting to leave. I can't tell you what it feels like to have been threatened with a forced Grexit for so long just to see the Brits open the door and walk out. Feels kinda like Grexit takes revenge, that's what. Serves them right. Unfortunately the whole continent is about to spiral out of control along with the UK. Fortunately for them they may have a parachute to save their pink British derriere. Europe along with its mostly fascist or at best anti-democratic nomenclatura is in for a hard landing. That is what happens when somebody opens the door midflight. Sudden decompression and then a crash. This is going to prove to be the toughest pickle to get out of yet. I wonder if Gerxit will folow? Ah, to live in interesting times...
Σάββατο 25 Ιουνίου 2016
Τρίτη 14 Ιουνίου 2016
Mom - Queen backs Brexit
For the benefit of my mother I am writing a blog on the results of the crisis and 7 long years of austerity on the Greek people. We were a prosperous bunch even in 2008 and 2009. Our banking system as well as our pension system were on solid grounds and had not invested in the toxic products of the day that sent other economies spiraling into a crash. Regardless of the events that took place then and have been well hidden and obscured we would have recovered fully if not for a stubborn policy of austerity that has been set in stone here in Europe. The way that the monetary union runs its checks and balances on its nation memebers guarantees that a shrinking economy will shrink even more. The less money that pours into a nation the less money it is entitled to in transfer payments. Imagine Newfounland with its fisheries closed back in the nineties having an austerity program forced upon her and then as a result of her shrinking GDP having her transfer payments cut. After the referendum and its resounding no response Prime Minister Tsipras went back to the negotiating table in Brussels with a new resolve. Our German partners also strenthened their resolve against the only left wing government in the European Union and called a meeting of all 22 members in an attempt to exclude Greece from Europe altogether. Tsipras buckled under the threats of a forced bankruptcy that would include confiscation of all bank accounts and underwritten properties. Oland did not miss the opportunity to make a speech in favour of Greece stating that their could be no Europe without Greece. However no commitment beyond that very eloquent speech. Silly man.
France is on fire these days and only the flooding momentarily stopped the riots, strikes and upheavels. Having the Eurocup hosted in France was probably the reason Oland and the ruling class decided to tinker with labour legislation now. The rules of the game are changing everywhere in the EU and France too has to tow the line. French trade unions and the public in general have a different and more defiant idea. The country has come to a full stop and only the riot police are not on strike. I wish there was an explanation for the riot police. I can find none. Maybe they feel that they share power with the elite. Maybe it is the bonus danger pay. Whatever the case they always seem to have endless energy to beat people with their batons and spray them with their tear gas like some kind of pest control professional.
In the meantime the Brits have found the most brilliant answer to all their European Union problems. Just leave. Brexit it is called and it is gaining momentum fast. I have a feeling it will reach the 60 percent mark, just like the Greek referendum did. After that European Union will be no more. People will have to get used to big changes. After so much tinkering with democracy I think that is the order of the day.
France is on fire these days and only the flooding momentarily stopped the riots, strikes and upheavels. Having the Eurocup hosted in France was probably the reason Oland and the ruling class decided to tinker with labour legislation now. The rules of the game are changing everywhere in the EU and France too has to tow the line. French trade unions and the public in general have a different and more defiant idea. The country has come to a full stop and only the riot police are not on strike. I wish there was an explanation for the riot police. I can find none. Maybe they feel that they share power with the elite. Maybe it is the bonus danger pay. Whatever the case they always seem to have endless energy to beat people with their batons and spray them with their tear gas like some kind of pest control professional.
In the meantime the Brits have found the most brilliant answer to all their European Union problems. Just leave. Brexit it is called and it is gaining momentum fast. I have a feeling it will reach the 60 percent mark, just like the Greek referendum did. After that European Union will be no more. People will have to get used to big changes. After so much tinkering with democracy I think that is the order of the day.
Τετάρτη 1 Ιουνίου 2016
Putin Athens visit.
It is a strange thing to say the least. Putin visits Athens and the Greek people welcome him. Nothing unusual here. What is unusual is our leftwing Prime Minister along with his cabinet taking Putin on a royal tour of all things Greek Orthodox. At the same time the leader of the opposition is just as eager to meet with him in an after midnight press conference. The second day of Putins visit focuses on Mt. Athos (Άγιον Όρος) the holiest pilgrimmage in Greece. The President of Greece joins him. So the big deal is that Greeks are finaly united in something. That something is reestablishing our position as the bridge between east and west. This is a position shared by the left and right wing politicians alike. The extremists too. Putin has managed to persuade both the religious and the communist Greeks alike.
This visit is not the highlight of the week for me though. In another suprise move Tsipras introduces legislation to allow MPs to aquire shares in offshore companies. The law says they must be in countries that have tax agreements with Greece and so on. This would lift the ban imposed on Members of Parliament and harmonize Greek law with the rest of the EU. The opposition and the press had a heyday with it. They pointed out the moral ramifications and the unfairness and demanded the new law be withdrawn. In a suprise move Tsipras rescinds the law introducing new legislation that extends the ban to all MPs and their families. The new law was voted today and as expected the opposition walked out. The ultimate trolling. Poor politicians will now have to sell their wives offshore shares and report the income.
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This visit is not the highlight of the week for me though. In another suprise move Tsipras introduces legislation to allow MPs to aquire shares in offshore companies. The law says they must be in countries that have tax agreements with Greece and so on. This would lift the ban imposed on Members of Parliament and harmonize Greek law with the rest of the EU. The opposition and the press had a heyday with it. They pointed out the moral ramifications and the unfairness and demanded the new law be withdrawn. In a suprise move Tsipras rescinds the law introducing new legislation that extends the ban to all MPs and their families. The new law was voted today and as expected the opposition walked out. The ultimate trolling. Poor politicians will now have to sell their wives offshore shares and report the income.
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Tsipras and Putin in Athens |
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At the Byzantine museum |
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Athens LGBT community protests in front of Parliament |
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Russian Orthodox monastery at Mt. Athos. |
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