Τρίτη 26 Ιουλίου 2016

My heart is Berning.

The symbols plus(+) and minus(-), the two poles of a battery, the anode, and the cathode, there is no circuit without these. Light and shadow, how could there be photography without this contrast, how would even our very vision work? Try turning down the contrast on your TV or monitor to zero and see (or not see) what happens. The very nature of life itself, the yin and the yang, is founded on the duality of the sexes, male and female. So how can it be that American politics got so watered down by vested interests, hidden agendas, lobby groups and the top 1% that it is nearly impossible to seperate the GOP from the DNC? Acronyms do not mean much if their content can't be distinguished. That is why today, at five am local time, I was so happy to see a standing ovation for Bernie Sanders and an exhilerated, emotional audience. His speech was honest and straightforward, his expressions simple and communicative. "I think it is fair to say that nobody is more disappointed by this outcome than I" his comment on Hillary's candidacy. Support with terms, how will he enforce them I do not know. In every case it is Bernie that is setting the progressive agenda in America, not Hillary. It is Bernie who is the light to Trump's darkness. It is Sanders that seeks to contain Wall street and the top echelons of society. He is the one who talks about politics in simple terms. His speech focuses on greed, hate, compassion, generosity, the human condition. How can he endorse a war monger I don't know. I think it is time to take the risk and become the third party, the other pole, the only opposition to the rising power of the oligarchy. Can Sanders do it? Unfortunately it seems not!

Σάββατο 23 Ιουλίου 2016

Err do gun - Ergo done

Erdogan solidifies his power. Who would attempt to overthrow the government on a Friday night in a city of two continents and two bridges? It is summer and people need to get home and then along comes a military imposed curfew. Like a twilight zone episode tanks blocking traffic and helicopters flying overhead. Typically enacted in the wee hours of a Sunday or Wednesday morning before people leave their residence this must be the most ill planned coup in history. It is difficult to impose a curfew when everyone is trying to get home. Then, like a twilight zone episode, whilst the TV is playing announcements from the coup leaders messages start appearing on peoples phones urging them to disobey and resist, to take to the streets and stop this coup de tat. Cell phones still up and running? Some shots are fired and a few people, including some soldiers, are killed. Arrests follow, the beating of coup leaders, one is missing an ear, and on camera confessions. Nothing coerced here. Certainly the most amateur, ill-planned, coup attempt in modern history. Nothing even comes close. Followed up by the most meticulous well-planned response ever! 6500 arrests in the first 48 hours and 65000 detentions before week's end, including everyone from judges to teachers, the press and intellectuals. Amazing, a world record for sure. Martial law, the concentration of all executive powers to the president, a three month state of emergency and an ongoing discussion in parliament of the return of the death penalty. Turkey has withdrawn from the European Human Rights Commission, all this and not even a week has passed. With German engineering precision Erdogan has become the most powerful leader of Turkey since Kemal, or Suleiman, depending on your perspective. So bravo then Erdogan on a job well done, the leaders of the west and east will be envious of your endeavours!

Παρασκευή 1 Ιουλίου 2016

The EU Bremains the same...

Someone has rung the division bell and its sound ripples across the continent. We are in for a pickle with the leaders we have in the world today. So out of touch with reality, divorced from the people and absolutely unaware of everyday problems. The elite have been padding their butts and protecting their comforts for years now. Will the results of this plebiscite shake them up abit? Not! Just look at the response of the "stuffed men" of Europe to the results of the referendum. Tusk, Junker, and the merry men calling for a "quick divorce" and the enactment of article 30 "as soon as possible". Emotional responses from leaders of the EU. Now that the vote is in they meet without UK representation even though the results have not been voted on or ratified in any parliament of the UK.
As for the “hollow men” there is not much to be said of the politicians of Britain. For years the top position in Europe have been occupied by everyone but the British. Let us be fair though, remember the Bremain campaign? Neither do I. Good people who wanted to argue in favor of the European project, of unity, of a better future for all, simply abandoned by a self serving system. Immature and childish leaders on both sides deciding the fate of the world. What is becoming abundantly clear is that in Europe only the Germans ever had a plan.

Funny how every time I sit down to write this blog I draw a blank. The moment I get up ideas storm my brain. So many things are wrapped up in this one plebiscite. Again I draw a blank as though it was a vote held prematurely, as though 2017 should have been the date. Why the rush tough? What forces in Europe have pushed the British to abandon? Seems everywhere in Europe today right wing extremists want to deconstruct Europe. Is there a profit to be made in her dismantlement? Why is Europe being run by bureaucrats? What is the role of the European Parliament? Does it pass legislation of any kind? Can it change the structure of the EU? Brexit brings questions. Like a Pandora's box once opened and out come self doubt, lack of identity, fracturization...The evils of a failing Union. Our European elite have again raised their ugly head in multiple proclamation of a quick and easy divorce.