Having been overpowered and beaten by nothing or by something of little or no value.
America has lost to a candidate that plans to make her great again through isolationism, rascism, xenophobia, protectionism and elitism. Values that are nowhere to be found in the constitution or in the conscience of Americans. They are values that appeal to those that have been cheated out of their position in society, that have had their future stolen from them as the middle class shrinks. They are also values that appeal to those that remain a part of the shrinking middle class but feel threatened as their values are not mentioned anywhere. Values that go against the very grain of the American constitution that was laid down in respect of the basic human rights of the individual. Prolifers, bigots, closet gays, misogynists, overachieving immigrants, the NRA, misanthropes and religious zealots alike all embrace the rhetoric of hate and even hate itself. Values adopted by a portion of the elite that sees a clear opportunity to rule with fear, the old fashioned way. No need for an evil empire or terrorism now, fear of your neighbour is much more convenient for the system.
Trumpence overcame the much more experienced and "liberal" Clinton. Hillary managed to alienate her grass roots support by usurping the Democratic Party nomination from Bernie Sanders with the extensive use of superdelegates in a manner that encroaches on election fraud. Certainly undermined the spirit of the primaries and to make things worse assumed she would be the next president. Many times she would use the expression "when I take office", or "under my presidency". She dismissed Trump as inappropriate and thought the election was in the bag. There is a high price for arrogance and the Democrats are paying it. Stepping all over basic protocol and running a smear campaign of their own with all the media and Hollywood to back them. Also a legacy of mistakes (Benghazi), interventions (Syria, Libya), scandals (Podesta emails), lies (intolerance of Wikileaks) and a general war mongering killhappy personna does not earn one the progressive vote. It did earn her the "crooked Hillary" title that Trumpence gave her although Killary might have been even more apropriate.
The big loser of this election however is overseas. It is frau Merkel that not only lost a close friend and ally but has had all her plans of domination foiled. No longer can Germany continue its austerity experiment in the rest of Europe while relying on its trade with the USA to take up the slack. Her plans for the middle East and the Ukraine have been dashed along with the development of further escalation in the Baltic states. No chance of an open conflict with Russia now as Trump and Putin will probably sit at the table and hammer out a new world order. One that may well not include the imminent wars that Merkel and Clinton were so intent upon. If Trump can manage to de-escalate tensions on the global chessboard, if he can end ISIS with Russian help while excluding Turkey from the conflict in Syria, stop NATO drones from flying over Russian airspace in the Baltics, recognize the need for the Russian anexation of Crimea, control or limit Ukraine's involvement in NATO, and generally limit US intervention then he will be a better diplomat than a businessman. He will have also offered a greater service to humanity than any damage his eristic language may have brought at home. In fact I believe his eristic language may well bring many problems that continue to persist back into public view and discussion. Not a bad thing if the American people finally start some navel gazing and self critiscism instead of always telling the rest of the world how they are so much better, blessed and #1.
The EU is doing damage control over this election result. They are not very good at it. The "end of history" is no more and the "brave new world" of bankers and lawyers is lost. I am at the least amused and at times pleased to see the suits in Brussels issuing statements about "democratic values" and so on. It is funny when little miss May (PM) from Britain while congratulating Trump makes a statement about US-British relations how they, (EU technocrats), in a panic point out that there is no special status there. Jealous, fearful, their comfort zone in the midst of a hurricane, the ground under their feet at 8+ richter the European bureacratic class is once more exposed as the bunch of self serving clowns they realy are. Merkel and the European gang of anti-democratic henchmen offer personal freedoms and individual rights in trade for their elitist control of everything. Watching the German satellite channel today I heard the biggest joke of all time, the notion that Germany will have to take the place of the USA as world guarantor of stability and freedom. Boy those Germans.
Here in Greece, as in other countries, the extreme right considers Trump to be their champion. Both Golden Dawm and the New Right hurried to congratulate him as did Le Pen in France and the fascists of Hungary and Austria. I am not sure if they can be called fascists yet but they are certainly bigots, xenophobes and fascist wannabees. Trump's response to the show of support from this political spectrum around the world will be an indicator of his intent. Will he be a great leader or will he stick with that which has defined him, bully tactics and mistreatment of the weak. His record so far, as would most peoples, falls short of the mark. May the wisdom of his years overcome his rashness and egocentric behaviour as Donald finaly finds a cause greater than himself he can selflessly serve, albeit his posthumous fame, which may fulfill his need to serve both his ego and humanity at large. At least he is not hindered by political ties, "experience" or party politics and obligations. I await to see a presidency at least as great as Obama' in the knowledge that as Obama failed Trump may fail as well and see none of his great plans materialize.
America has lost to a candidate that plans to make her great again through isolationism, rascism, xenophobia, protectionism and elitism. Values that are nowhere to be found in the constitution or in the conscience of Americans. They are values that appeal to those that have been cheated out of their position in society, that have had their future stolen from them as the middle class shrinks. They are also values that appeal to those that remain a part of the shrinking middle class but feel threatened as their values are not mentioned anywhere. Values that go against the very grain of the American constitution that was laid down in respect of the basic human rights of the individual. Prolifers, bigots, closet gays, misogynists, overachieving immigrants, the NRA, misanthropes and religious zealots alike all embrace the rhetoric of hate and even hate itself. Values adopted by a portion of the elite that sees a clear opportunity to rule with fear, the old fashioned way. No need for an evil empire or terrorism now, fear of your neighbour is much more convenient for the system.
The EU is doing damage control over this election result. They are not very good at it. The "end of history" is no more and the "brave new world" of bankers and lawyers is lost. I am at the least amused and at times pleased to see the suits in Brussels issuing statements about "democratic values" and so on. It is funny when little miss May (PM) from Britain while congratulating Trump makes a statement about US-British relations how they, (EU technocrats), in a panic point out that there is no special status there. Jealous, fearful, their comfort zone in the midst of a hurricane, the ground under their feet at 8+ richter the European bureacratic class is once more exposed as the bunch of self serving clowns they realy are. Merkel and the European gang of anti-democratic henchmen offer personal freedoms and individual rights in trade for their elitist control of everything. Watching the German satellite channel today I heard the biggest joke of all time, the notion that Germany will have to take the place of the USA as world guarantor of stability and freedom. Boy those Germans.
Here in Greece, as in other countries, the extreme right considers Trump to be their champion. Both Golden Dawm and the New Right hurried to congratulate him as did Le Pen in France and the fascists of Hungary and Austria. I am not sure if they can be called fascists yet but they are certainly bigots, xenophobes and fascist wannabees. Trump's response to the show of support from this political spectrum around the world will be an indicator of his intent. Will he be a great leader or will he stick with that which has defined him, bully tactics and mistreatment of the weak. His record so far, as would most peoples, falls short of the mark. May the wisdom of his years overcome his rashness and egocentric behaviour as Donald finaly finds a cause greater than himself he can selflessly serve, albeit his posthumous fame, which may fulfill his need to serve both his ego and humanity at large. At least he is not hindered by political ties, "experience" or party politics and obligations. I await to see a presidency at least as great as Obama' in the knowledge that as Obama failed Trump may fail as well and see none of his great plans materialize.