I always wanted to write a kick-ass blogg. You know the kind that people would read in droves. So I picked this spicy title for todays instalment to see if anyone stumbles upon us through a search engine. So far I have almost given away the message on the sign being held by the man on the left. For those of you who do not speak Greek I will say that the man is expressing his frustration with Merkel Greek style and then some. I will also say that the street is in downtown Athens and from his expression I am guessing that passersby are agreeing with his intentions. But why this open agression to the woman who would be president of Europe by economic force alone? Why would any Greek be anything less than grateful to our German and other European counterparts? Click on this link and see a little excerpt of how welcome one of our own ministers is made to feel while visiting the island of Mytilini.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFixHUBMp8w Why would the crowd be chasing this man with such a vengeance, the minister of maritime and shipping, one of the most important positions in our government? Well, as part of our temporary coalition government and seeing as the leftist parties would not cooperate, the socialists and conservatives opted to work with the fascist party. Yup, at the insistence of Merkel the two leading parties needed a broader base so in comes the 4 percent of our little fascist party, like a supporting finger. Nobody likes getting the finger. Hence this gentelmans' response. A couple more things, the Greek motto "Freedom or Death" is still taught in elementary and of course, if you are curious as to why the police are not arresting anyone in the aforementioned video: ΠΛΗΘΟΣ ΔΕ ΑΡΧΟΝ...ΜΟΥΝΑΡΧΟΣ ΠΟΙΕΕΙ ΟΥΔΕΝ-ΗΡΟΔΟΤΟΣ. Or to put it in English-when the mob rules the tyrrant is powerless-Herodotos. Sure, Merkel is no Nazi but she has forced an openly Nazi minister upon us, yes that barely 40 year old guy, and has toppled our elected government, and Italy's as well. Oh and forbade us to hold a plebicite over the Euro or drachma dilemma. Maybe a non-agressive nazi? Tell me what you think!
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