Does not rhyme with Oklahoma as the accent falls on the e. Fakeloma was the practice adopted by the Junta of the sixties and seventies to find out what everybody is thinking. Something like a witch hunt that would be the predescor to todays gallup poll. The big difference is that the junta wanted to know who was thinking. Name, address and social insurance number. It developed a police ID card that included someones fingerprints. We still have these today and along with the Cambodian Khmer Rouge Greece is the only country to have kept a file on everyone's fingerprints. So a moral police was set up where one could fink on their neighbour and do so anonymously. Phone taps and a complicated system of following every conversation by everyone with key or trigger words was also devised. I do not know if any of this is sounding familiar to anyone out there but it should be. No supercomputers in those days and everyone was kept on file, in Greek "fakelos". The practice of keeping someones private life on file, or of filing someone is described by the verb "fakeloma". So why should we care now. Espescialy after the burning of these files back in 1990? In fact there where multiple files of people in various government departments including hydro and telephone and police and moral police and secret police. 40 million files in all six for every woman man and child. This is the problem with despotism everywhere. It developes paranoid leaders who think that there original good intentions still exists. Just watch the news here in Greece as the bankers of the IMF the EU and other lenders get limoed around town. Heavy security everywhere guarding these hard and unrelenting faces. All week they refuse to discuss anything and only put forth their demands. The latest is that the Troika, the three horsed carriage of our "test" apocalypse, should simply appoint a Prime Minister for us. Sure would be more convenient as our new appointee would probably be a German native speaker and we could save the money on a translater. We would also save the expense and trouble of holding elections seeing as their is no chance of any of these present bastards, or anybody who will co-operate, ever ruling again. The latest gallup poll shows it. But I digress... the biggest savings yet has come with a worldwide voluntary fakeloma of a huge number of the worlds citizens. It has improved on the old system as the data entry is done by the fakeloma victims themselves. They can facebook or twitter and like or follow showing publicly their support, faces, thoughts and trends. As for those hard faces from the banking centers of the world, they can keep their money as they have bankrupted in smiles, charity, happiness. Why win the whole world if all you have to show for it is hell. Oh, and please read the label under our elected Prime Minister.
ps. You gotta like the "Macedonian" flag in the background, for us this adds insult to injury...
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