No more haratsi tax, an end to Troika. The last week has been beyond what could ever be described with words. Four long years that could be described as a second Nazi occupation have come to an end! To re-cap the week a total must read:
Monday- election results are final as SYRIZA wins the election and forms a coalition government with ANEL a right wing party with an anti-memorandum mandate.
Tuesday - the new Prime Minister is sworn in along with his cabinet that includes members of the ANEL party. Mr. Tsipras, Prime Minister, opts for a civilian oath, without a priest, and is the first Greek P.M. ever to do so.
Wednesday - Outgoing P.M. Samaras is not present to hand over the Prime Ministers' office breaking an ongoing tradition since the establishment of the Hellenic Republic in 1821! There is such a ruckus on the social media and later in the press that none of the departing ministers repeat the same mistake. Incoming ministers make announcements of the new direction they will be taking reversing descisions and agreements of outgoing ministers.These include the return of the minimum wage to 750 euros, the re-hiring of the illegaly fired cleaning ladies of the ministry of finance, the rehiring of all "illegaly" fired doctors, teachers, civil servants, and the return of all employees fired from public televsion, the end to all privatization efforts, the end of the privatization of the energy sector, the re-embersement of armed forces, police, firemen and women and coast guard according to the as of yet unemforced court order. WOW! The financial markets did not like that! Oh and the re-enstatement of the epicuric pension-given to low bracket pensions. Oh and the cancellation of the unfair Haratsi tax that had been renamed ENFIA.
Thursday - scare mongering continues in the press, the stock market and the news. The news so far has been too good to be true and certainly there is a shaking of resolve as some of us, the people, await the next Blitzkrieg to end our little southern party. The Vice President of the Vouli (parliament) makes a public appearance to make assurances of the stability of the Greek banking system.
Thursday - somewhat informal crash visit by mr. Martin Schulz president of the European Parliament. He is informed by mr. Tsipras that Greece has no intent of co-operating with Troika or continuing with old policies but will be instead renegotiating its debt as that is the mandate he was elected upon. Schulz visits the River Party but does not visit the ruling coalition partners ANEL.
Friday - still numb here in Greece from four days of impossible reversals of our fates and the Troika arrives for its bi-annual visit to ensure that austerity measures are being properly enforced. Instead of the bootlicking by Greek officials he has been used to Jeroen Dijsselbloem president of the Eurogroup had a meeting with Prime Minister. Tsipras and then with mr. Varoufakis Greek finance minister. For some strange reason he had to be told three times that there was to be no cooperation with the Troika. Only during the press conference when he heard mr. Varoufakis stating that the Troika is loosely legislated did he get the message. "You have killed the Troika" Dijsselbloem blurted off mike and stormed out the room. Watch on video - - This is the turning point for the psychology of the Greek public that slowly starts to feel the effects of sovereignty.
Friday - Kammenos, leader of the ANEL party and minister of Defense lays a wreath, from a helicopter, at Imia, sight of a near open conflict with Turkey, to honour the two dead Greek servicemen 19 years ago. He is the first defense minister to do so and the Turks,thinking it is still business as usual in the Aegean, send F-16s to buzz overhead and frigates to patrol below. Greece scrambles her own forces to force them beyond the border. Sovereingty in action.
Weekend - Varoufakis visits with his French counterpart. President Obama sends a simple message to show his support of Tsipra's government and its strategy of economic growth. Watch interview here:
"I think the truth is that you cannot keep squeezing countries that are in the midst of a depression." President Obama continues to say that growth strategy is needed as part of the solution.
Monday - Prime Minister Tsipras begins his visits with foreign leaders in Cyprus with President Nikos Anastasiades.
Monday- election results are final as SYRIZA wins the election and forms a coalition government with ANEL a right wing party with an anti-memorandum mandate.
Tuesday - the new Prime Minister is sworn in along with his cabinet that includes members of the ANEL party. Mr. Tsipras, Prime Minister, opts for a civilian oath, without a priest, and is the first Greek P.M. ever to do so.
Wednesday - Outgoing P.M. Samaras is not present to hand over the Prime Ministers' office breaking an ongoing tradition since the establishment of the Hellenic Republic in 1821! There is such a ruckus on the social media and later in the press that none of the departing ministers repeat the same mistake. Incoming ministers make announcements of the new direction they will be taking reversing descisions and agreements of outgoing ministers.These include the return of the minimum wage to 750 euros, the re-hiring of the illegaly fired cleaning ladies of the ministry of finance, the rehiring of all "illegaly" fired doctors, teachers, civil servants, and the return of all employees fired from public televsion, the end to all privatization efforts, the end of the privatization of the energy sector, the re-embersement of armed forces, police, firemen and women and coast guard according to the as of yet unemforced court order. WOW! The financial markets did not like that! Oh and the re-enstatement of the epicuric pension-given to low bracket pensions. Oh and the cancellation of the unfair Haratsi tax that had been renamed ENFIA.
Thursday - scare mongering continues in the press, the stock market and the news. The news so far has been too good to be true and certainly there is a shaking of resolve as some of us, the people, await the next Blitzkrieg to end our little southern party. The Vice President of the Vouli (parliament) makes a public appearance to make assurances of the stability of the Greek banking system.
Thursday - somewhat informal crash visit by mr. Martin Schulz president of the European Parliament. He is informed by mr. Tsipras that Greece has no intent of co-operating with Troika or continuing with old policies but will be instead renegotiating its debt as that is the mandate he was elected upon. Schulz visits the River Party but does not visit the ruling coalition partners ANEL.
Friday - still numb here in Greece from four days of impossible reversals of our fates and the Troika arrives for its bi-annual visit to ensure that austerity measures are being properly enforced. Instead of the bootlicking by Greek officials he has been used to Jeroen Dijsselbloem president of the Eurogroup had a meeting with Prime Minister. Tsipras and then with mr. Varoufakis Greek finance minister. For some strange reason he had to be told three times that there was to be no cooperation with the Troika. Only during the press conference when he heard mr. Varoufakis stating that the Troika is loosely legislated did he get the message. "You have killed the Troika" Dijsselbloem blurted off mike and stormed out the room. Watch on video - - This is the turning point for the psychology of the Greek public that slowly starts to feel the effects of sovereignty.
Friday - Kammenos, leader of the ANEL party and minister of Defense lays a wreath, from a helicopter, at Imia, sight of a near open conflict with Turkey, to honour the two dead Greek servicemen 19 years ago. He is the first defense minister to do so and the Turks,thinking it is still business as usual in the Aegean, send F-16s to buzz overhead and frigates to patrol below. Greece scrambles her own forces to force them beyond the border. Sovereingty in action.
Weekend - Varoufakis visits with his French counterpart. President Obama sends a simple message to show his support of Tsipra's government and its strategy of economic growth. Watch interview here:
"I think the truth is that you cannot keep squeezing countries that are in the midst of a depression." President Obama continues to say that growth strategy is needed as part of the solution.
Monday - Prime Minister Tsipras begins his visits with foreign leaders in Cyprus with President Nikos Anastasiades.
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After a tumultuous change of government and agenda mr. Meimarakis, president of Vouli (parliament), greets his replacement Konstandopoulou with a tulip bouquet and a smile. |
1 σχόλιο:
This is a real upheaval! I am watching with interest to see where this will all lead. I sure hope our beautiful Greece will see positive changes soon!
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