Imagine if Obama had been as aggressive on delivering his promises as Trump is. Imagine him passing executive orders one after the other to challenge the rotten, ineffective and unfair system that had evolved. Certainly no man can live up to all his promises but to fail and fall this short of the mark is rare indeed.

Just take a look at lobby groups. Obama was the first president to be elected without relying on them for funding. Does anyone even remember that now that Trump is the second to be self and crowd funded. No five dollar button here, anyone can express their support to Trump at anytime in large amounts and without the trouble of hiring a lobbyist. Imagine if Obama had rid Capitol Hill of all these special interest groups who enjoy such close ranks with power. Imagine him giving glowing speeches about Republicans who wrap themselves in the flag while burning down their own country. "Fake patriotism" he'd call it and then would tear through their ugly party history.
Imagine a decree or executive order suspending the operating licence of any hospital that turns away patients that are in labor or bleeding to death. Wow, that would be better than "obamacare", with a name like that nobody else will support it. Canada is so close by; he should have used that example. He needed to give direction on medicare as humanitarian and totally necessary.
Imagine an executive order suspending entire police stations while investigating trigger happy cops who shoot unarmed minors, or break their backs, or kill them with their bare hands. For any number of violent cop crimes that are now investigated under the watchful eyes of the local chief of police. Cooperation it is called.
Imagine the Arab Spring having been seen as the opportunity to democratize and bring the Arab world up to date. A chance for Muslims to truly blossom and develop worldwide. Instead it has been seen as an opportunity to rape and divide further the Arab world. There is no denying that the ongoing wars in all the former Soviet aligned Arab nations is anything less than the neoliberal achievement of Clinton and Merkel. Just follow the money and weapons trail to the Saudis and back. Almost forgot, follow the cheap ISIS crude trail to German interests as well.
The democrats are going to pick really loud politicians to lead the "fight" against Trump but I mostly suspect that it is a wall of smoke. Backroom deals, old boys and golden boys clubs, business as usual, that is the order of the day. How else will Democrats, politicians that is, preserve the butter on their bread? Don't despair though; we may still see a woman in the White House.
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