Τρίτη 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2011

Alexander the Great Plan Part 2

So what's in a name? Well Alexander the Great did topple the Persian Empire and then emptied the Bank of Persia. The money he split with his generals and the first and only working example of trickle down economics took place. The main reason that Alexander was called Great was this. Not his ability to win battles, no small talent for the ancient world, but his knack for spreading cash. Yes his little known economic plan that kickstarted the ancient Asian economy. People had been left cash starved and unable to maintain a basic system of commerce due to overtaxation and the immense money-clog at the Persian palace. Today an entire planet suffers and starves while extremely ignorant first world shoppers are worried about the appearance of apples and tomatoes. People in Africa live and die without the ability to farm their own land or to feed anything beyond mashed roots to their kids. These same people work incredible hours in plantations on their own land that was either grabbed by force or by assumed debt. Today Greece is also being asked to assume debt. To give up her sovereignty and to succumb to external "fatherland" pressures. What are the chances realy, after 5000 years of recorded history and the survival of our language and heritage inspite of a 400 year occupation. The Alexander the Great Plan has been set into motion and the "markets" are now in the crosshairs. Soon the dominoe effect will topple everything worldwide. The first ripples have reached every shore and in every nation a newscast has responded to the Greek debt crisis. The crisis to end all crisis. Our debt may be small, it may even be proportionaly small, but somehow nobody wants to help finance it and demanding payment now will lead to the blackest monday ever. Elections in this country will probably lead to a minority government, not so bad, but may give the balance of power to the one party that does not recognize the debt or the euro. A full default and a return to the drachma. Sure nothing has been heard about it lately and there is a general calm. The calm before the storm...

2 σχόλια:

newsoftheweird είπε...

Good Morning and Seasons Greetings to you and your family Thomas

I certainly hope that you are well and happy.

In the blog you have sent me this day, it sounded as if it would be a bad thing to go
back to the drachma. Somehow, I have gotten the idea that the problems started
when the euro came out. I personally feel that it is a mistake for each country
to give up its individuality and try to all be the same, even if it is just about the
currency used.
I would be very much against changing the Canadian currency to
the American currency and I think it would be devastating to Mexico if we developed
a North American currency. And to broaden that thought out, what if they decided we
should have a currency that involved both North and South America. I believe that the
smaller and poorer countries would suffer.
Just a thought. I guess, I do that sometimes.

Take care


newsoftheweird είπε...

A return to the drachma:
Devastating to the rich countries of the north. Imagine the mexicans seeing 10 good years under a unified currency and then waking up one day owing everything to wall street. We in the south have a snails pace development plan that alows for very small taxation, limited borowing and even less venture capital. There are all kinds of plans for development in Greece. A massive capacity port for shipping containers has been juggled all over the place. Truth is that nobody realy wants it. Enviromental impact studies show the amount of damage and local governments are permanently opposed. Goerge Bush senior himself was here just eight short years ago visiting Gaidooronisi (donkey island) to the south of Crete. The plan was to level the island to a height of 8 feet above sea level and then create a port and facilities for containers with a capacity in the millions of shipping containers per year. This kind of development makes no sense to us here. It means handing over sovereignty to foreigners who have no love of the land or the culture or the history. This is money loving development that is clearly out to make a short term profit at any cost. To us to our kids to our planet. Sure I would rather have never even left the drachma but we have enacted the plan in order to save the world...