Κυριακή 26 Φεβρουαρίου 2012

Greek riots

It was on February tenth of this year that although nearly a million people protested peacefuly in downtown Athens against the signing of the second memorandum the worlds media was more interested in riots. A total of 300 or so well organized troublemakers, many times with the blessing of the police, spent the day burning and looting anyone that had not paid them protection the day before. Talk about corruption, 300 bums run and ruin the country. The funny thing is when I receive e-mails asking me if I and my family are ok. I must say here that reports of lawlessness in Greece are exagerated. We are all well although most of us are flat broke. However there are food banks and all kinds of handouts for the less fortunate. During the last cold spell municipalities were racing to find shelter for the homeless and the church feeds thousands of families every day. I have been too busy to write instalments and it has been nearly a month since my last entry. In that month so much has occured and so little has changed. We are all awaiting the next tax grab. I am not sure exactly how we are supposed to survive but I do know that those who created this situation are not paying for it. Instead the weakest, sickest, and retired segment of the population is made to pay. Pensions are to take another cut in June along with wages and a new tax hike on everything. Unemployment is high, very high, and times are depression tough. It has become impossible to watch the news, it is so severely negative these days. The only bright glimmers are the newly discovered oilfields all over Greece. Seems we will become the next Emirates. Drilling rights have been sold to the biguns who will start drilling south of Crete. I am sure that this will not change the price at the pump. As for us little guys, well there realy is nothing on the horizon as yet other than working abroad or looking for work on hireagreek.com. Below are two links, one is for a spoof called "we are all Greeks Hollywood" and the other is a view of the message Anonymous hacked on to the ministry of Justice web page. Enjoy...

and of course the Greek Parliament's official answer to the above anonymous video titled irresponsible-anefthinos:

1 σχόλιο:

Gin είπε...

"may you live in interesting times"
Greeks have always been able to overcome their challenges, I am confident Greece will survive this and be stronger for it. Sad but true that the weak (Pensioners, lower classes, etc.) suffer the most in tough times.