Τετάρτη 9 Ιανουαρίου 2013

Souleiman says...

It is sometimes so difficult to cut through all this sky that is put before us in order to see the truth... It has been a long twelve months of machinations to create a hard right body tank of mindless automatoms willing to do the dirty work of the system for the system. There is now the possibility in Greece of that type of intervention that in Latin America was named paramilitary. If you were pondering why Greeks do not react to the tough measures and unfair policies that are enacted against them herein lies the answer. Everyday we are bombarded with Turkish soap operas on prime time television. Before the news, or directly after, the privately owned channels will air some imported soap opera or another. These are expensive productions complete with palaces and splendor for Souleiman the magnificent or family estates and expensive cars and yachts for the series that are set in modern Turkey. The sets are overwhelming and remind one of  "Dallas" the series that had so negatively affected Greeks back in the eighties. One of the big driving forces for the selling out of traditional values and the onslaught of capitalism and corruption in the nineties was to achieve the "Dallas" lifestyle. To be like Alexis... The toughest part to stomach though is that all these Turkish soap operas are in Turkish with Greek subtitles! It is amazing what a little Troika can do...
ps. Happy New Year everybody and all the best for 2013!

2 σχόλια:

newsoftheweird είπε...

sounds like the shit is really hitting the turbine over there..
and the cause is as you say- the uber-opiate of the masses- the TV.
upon our return from Greece back in 92 that was the deepest saddest impression that i took away
from that- the loss of the Geek soul vis-a-Viacom . the fierce avarice staggered me; the displays
of one-up-man-ship,keeping ahead of the opoulopoulos' ostentation; soulful/goofy/happy village culture
exchanged for a shit hole like neritha in perias and the funky rotted '70s, wrapped in flared polyester cheese cloth..

The next story down, where you adamnatly stake claim as soul proprietor (though the coat-check ticket
for it may be required of you at any moment by the lease holder) but commodify the life and body it inhabits,made allegorical reference to Brazil. i experienced a "personalized" gift of Azzaro*TM from a well stocked gift larder
of such gifts handed to me by a cousin-inlaw who was a personal body guard of the then prime minister.
the deja-vu/life imitarting art moment actually made me momentarily dizzy.
upon recieving the overly gushingly presented (with that ultra-bright chesire grin of dripping fangs) carefully, lovingly "persoanlized" gift, I said that "i didnt come for 'treasures' but to see my family,but thank you very much,it is very nice' .
kinda killed the converation..even coming from 1st world, I was nonplussed.
but as prev mentioned, I am sorry to hear such strong communist anti-christian rhetoric.at one point i can remeber
you having a softer stance. of course that was based on a pretty loose interpretation(not to mention the "orthodox" take that would have me "excommunicated" as Ikonaklastis)- all love,love,lust, a dose of truth, healthy acceptance of forgiveness but a glaring omission of repentance.as long as you could keep you wick wet, you were good with it.
as the old Jew sitting in the squares of a thousand villages over thousands of years said "what can ya do?"..
all I can is try try and run a straight race,keep my own back yard as trim and prim as I "can"(which "can" always be better- and i aint no architectual landscaping green thumb) and help those who wanna get it together too..ah well.this too has been foretold! the grr-r-r-reat! falling away (parakalo Tony-o-Tiger yia to εταιρικές χορηγίες !)
dont be too quick to dismiss the "born again"vantage point; the world is being carved into 10 economic zones,the EURO as one parcel, by the international interests that wooed Greece. ALL with sparkly twinkles; showed them how to move a decimal point under the correct ledger heading to make it LOOK like they too could have ALL that the alpha-wave media hypnotizer avec "sharks with lasers on their fricken heads" they wanted.with the added message in not-so-subliminals: surely you will not become assholes if you accept our finacial advice. dont know YOU can BE as soap opera gods? and at the low-low interest rate of....whatever you think you have proprietary rights to borrow against..mwAH-ha-ha-ha...I mean, please sign here...

newsoftheweird είπε...

I must say in my defence old friend that I was only reacting to the threat offered by the bankers of the world and meant no offence to genuine born again types anywhere. So my sincerest apologies to all but not to the freakish bankers and other illuminati types playing their little games. The Almighty knows I meant no disrespect and certainly I am not refering to spiritual spheres when I point out my own mortal vulnerability. The point is just that, that the IMF and troika and banking elite have full power over our physical being but that is where their authority ends. I refuse to accept that they have any domain over my spiritual being. My soul is my own and is leant to me by its creator. This is what sets me free. Repentance is much too personal to discuss...