Σάββατο 24 Ιανουαρίου 2015

Greek Election,The true face of terror...

Here in Greece we have our own way of dealing with extremists and their little groups. Last year we let our most dangerous inmate become our new most wanted. It was simple enough, they gave him a 48 hour leave and when he did not return on time he became the new face on Greece's Most Wanted. http://ellinomangia.blogspot.gr/2014/01/radioactive-pelletsavas-xiros.html
Then suddenly after a year in hiding the latest success story of the Hellenic P.D. came with the arrest of this 
 once at large terrorist hit man. It was hard to recognize him at first with his full blonde flock and prominent facial hair. A sort of salt and peppa look to throw off the authorites no doubt. But nothing gets past the houndogs of the Hell.P.D. who were onto his sent. Soon the man who was compared to the playmobil toy, his previous hairdo, was behind bars, along with  Zohan's The Avalon hairdo. Just goes to prove - you don't mess with the Zohan. 

                                               Savas Xiros...
So now that Savas Xiros is safely behind bars we can get on with life and elections. Our fearless Prime Minister, in his infinite wisdom and benevolent nature decided that it was a good time to elect a president. Seeing how it was the holidays and all and taking into account that gallup poll that said most Greeks would prefer to avoid national election he forced his hand. A real stupid bluff if you ask me. So although constitutionaly he could have waited till spring he decided to try for a new presidency now with the required 180 yes votes in the vouli, our house of commons. Of course despite all attempts, including outright bribery, he could not come up with that number, something that ammounts to a non-confidence vote. 
Can't blame him though as he had already agreed to a new round of taxes for the poor and tax breaks for the rich. People here have started to do desperate things like shutting down the courts in order to defend their right to own property. You can not simply take a Greek's house without a fight. Most of them have been in the family for generations. Maybe poor Samaras, our P.M. simply got tired of being the bad guy. So elections on January the 25th it is!
This is a very good picture of Antonis who is soon to be leaving his post as it is abundantly clear that he is going to lose the election. Some of his bigger blunders? The Haratsi tax - http://ellinomangia.blogspot.gr/2011/11/haratsi.html - the child tax and an entire tax system based on presumed income or "tekmirio" as it is called here.The more children you have the higher your assumed income that also goes up if you own a house, a car, an empty lot in the horio (village). So off to some pub to get drunk and remember the merrier days...
Above is a picture of Alexis Tsipras shaking hands with Paglo Iglesias. Tsipras is the leader of our left coalition party and posed to become the next Prime Minister on Monday. Pablo is the founder of a political party in Spain that sprung out of the antiausterity protests. We await Sundays election to see what the next day will be. Hopefuly it will be a better future for all of us. Stay tuned for more...

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