Πέμπτη 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

The end of the Euro...Eurequiem eh!

Greece battles for an end to austerity but falls on the deaf ears of the power elite led by Germany. Tomorrows' Eurogroup is a last ditch effort for the two sides to reach an agreement and to persuade the remaining members to get on board. Anything can happen and all is in the air. There is even the possibility that the currency that attempted to challenge the dollar could come to an end.

Greek Finance minister Varoufakis, shown in the foreground above has done something more than simply stand up to German pressures. He has spearheaded a popular movement that is slowly growing across Europe to put an end to austerity. Only the numbers presented by technocrats have been winning and even those have been doctored to look good. For the most part austerity has not managed to lower deficits but has instead shrunk economies and caused deficits to blossom. There is a nouveau povre class spreading across Europe. Germany herself has reached 15.6 percent population as statisticaly poor (posessing less than 1/3 of the national average income)

For years a rather corrupt elite has enjoyed major perks. Dijsselbloem stormed out of a joint press conference with Varoufakis in Athens back when there still was a Troika. The translator while translating Varoufakis opening statements had wrongfully used the words rotten foundation instead of  "shaky foundation" that the Troika stood on according to Varoufakis. There have been so many cover ups of scandals in Europe that to say something like the Troika is rotten, or corrupt, may well be accurate. Regardless mr. Dijsselbloom chose to be insulted.

So we all wait anxiously for the results of tomorows Eurogroup with Germany pressing and Greece refusing to go back to austerity. More austerity here makes no sense. We are already standing at numbers similar to the great depression. Enough of the bullshit. We end austerity now and get on with our lives. People over markets. 25% unemployment (official) not counting the long term unemployed and a cool 2.5 million below the line of poverty (1/4 of the population). Tick tock the euro countdown starts...

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