It is near impossible to sail a ship with three captains. Secret agendas and backroom deals rule the day and undermine a clear course or even a common objective. Due to eye surgery our Prime Minister could not travel to the European Summit however he did send a letter to the other leaders in the hands of our President. It is a funny letter indeed as it is full of assurances of Greece's intent to pay and hand over and sell out and a tiny paragraph near the end about how we need to tackle unemloyment and exit this recession. Another man attempts suicide for economic reasons today, leaving work for a five minute break and calmly jumping off the Acropolis. One of our neighbours also took a leap for the same kind of reasons. Both in their forties, both miraculously lived. So while our PM whimpers for help, or something like that it is not clear, people are in desperate times here with no room left to maneuver. A million and a half unemployed in a country of eleven million people is a huge number. It is truly a depression we are living in while these politicians gloat and lie and try to fool the people. The only good news here is that we finally have an effective opposition to all this corruption. The other good news is that Italy passes
with a 1-2 victory to the Euroleague finals leaving Germany behind. Sure Merkel came to see Greece versus Germany as she assumed it would be a sure win what with Karagoonis, our team captain, excluded from the game. You should see how he was given that yellow card, anyways, I don't want to sound bitter or anything... congragulations Italy and I realy like that back alley soccer style they have... good luck in the finals.
p.s. you should have seen the Italian players faces during the game. Greece and Spain are both on the verge of bankruptcy after winning the Euroleague cup in 2004 and 2008 respectively. For a moment there I thought the Italians where just going to let the Germans win and possibly go bankrupt too or at least avoid a possible Italian bankruptcy by winning...
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