Κυριακή 10 Ιουνίου 2012

Spanish pie...

Or Spanish pudding as the proof therein lies. Spain is a brilliant example of healthy and balanced economic growth. A country that carefuly developed both its agricultural and industrial base. A country with balanced budgets and low debt before the crisis, Spain is suddenly scrambling to cover a black hole of debt. It realy makes no sense, unless of course you have read the Alexander the great plan: http://ellinomangia.blogspot.gr/2011/10/alexander-great-plan-unmasked.html
Spain organized the only profitable olympics ever in Barcelona in 1992. Not a corrupt country with a population that doesn't pay its taxes like we Greeks are supposed to be. The most profitable car factories of the Volkswagen group are the SEAT in Spain. So how did the Spanish end up with such a black hole of debt. An article by local economist Baroufakis blames the "idiotic" private bankers. I have a feeling though that it is more likely that banks have been buying each other out and "idiotic" bankers have managed to sweep their "mistakes" under the carpet. Since the crisis began here in Greece our private banks, that had avoided buying high risk products and were thus poised to avoid the crisis, have been slowly acquired by foreign interests and now require public refinancing. In any event here is the plan that was put into affect to "save" the Spaniards. First the Spanish banks will borrow about 300 billion from the European Central Bank at 1% interest. To avoid any possible bankruptcies the government will also borrow from the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) at about 4% and give that money to the banks. As in every case so far when refinancing the banks public money is simply donated with no return or control. To avoid the scary event of a Spanish bankruptcy the private banks will then lend money to their government, from the funds they borrowed at 1% form the EFSF, at the incredible rate of 6%.  So first the private banks of Spain dump their losses onto the Government, and the public. Then they get refinanced at low interest while at the same time lending at a 5 percentage point profit to Spain, pushing her closer to bankruptcy while fighting to pay massive loans of 4 and 6 percentage points to cover these private sector losses. The only thing that is required for this rotten deal is aggressive austerity measures on behalf of the Spanish government and like in the examples of Greece, Ireland and Portugal, the partial granting of national sovereignty. It is a small price to pay to stay in the Euro eh? NOT! The basic premise for SYRIZA and Tsipras refusing to partake in a government with either ND or PASOK is just that, the two parties have already signed a partial granting of Greek sovereignty...
This is also my premise for calling Merkel and her gangster coworkers Nazis, 'cause what do they want with Greek sovereignty anyways? The mechanism to chip away at nations and national identities has been set up. Who will prevail and under what conditions will be judged in the future elections or in the marketplace depending on our vote.

2 σχόλια:

newsoftheweird είπε...

From Pete...
as the Masonic Zionist RedShield aka Rothchild aka Bauer the money lending Jew once said: I care not what government runs your country, be it monarchy, tyrant, dictator, or elected official, give me control of the money system and I will govern the rulers...
see how easy it is? Its almost Scriptural in nature, but with a twist; Jesus said: lend money without expecting it back; addendum Rotkinder: just exchange their debt for sovereign freedom & VISA credit and hypnotize them with televised fantasy lifestyles to chase and use them as indentured slaves to work their resources to turn your uber-national industrial profits. Hmmmm...prophets...taste alot like hossenfeffer..bwAH-HAW-HA-a-a-aah..uh-UH!...oo-OO-oh >slurp<


newsoftheweird είπε...

my answer...