To blog or not to blog, that is the modern day question. Should one get their news and information through official channels or through a more personal medium. Is it better to suffer the consequences of propaganda and missinformation or does one need a clearer view on the world. Most people are too busy with their lives to care. We live in a system that loads up the individual with responsibilities, expectations and of course all the time feeding the ego and serving us fear. Most people are nut cases suffering either from extreme neurosis or paranoia or some bipolar combination of hot and cold emotions. Every year newer and "better" consumer products along with myriad other diversions steer people clear of what they realy need in life. In the end the "succesful" ones are detached, lonely, scared and sometimes loveless individuals. In order to reach the upper echelons of this society an individual most sacrifice almost everything that they hold dear. Hollywood calls this "coming of age", a view of maturity that is so bent as to consider anything pure and unspoiled as childish. Even Satan would have a hard time coming up with such a brilliant con. How can people who have become so detached from their own emotions find their path again, how can they come back into communion and avoid the end that is reserved for despots and dictators? Relaxation I think is the key. Stepping away from assumptions and illusions to make room for a more elevated experience. After all is it really worth having an 8 billion euro surplus after having caused over 2000 suicides in a poorer and weaker nation? Is it realy that important to maintain uneven trade balances and play the bookee with an entire nation? It is all irrelevant and non-permanent so why interrupt the natural flow of things? This blogger has not the answers...
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