Yes sirree the captain has gone mad and pushed the control lever to full stop! That is what is about to happen to the Greek economy when the new series of across the board taxes come into effect. Our fearless Prime Minister, Andonis Samaras, promises that these will be the last painful measures and that better days are ahead. Hard to believe that stopping an economy cold will help solve any problems. The three ruling parties have spent the summer setting up a series of new laws that will go a long way to scuttling the nation's economy. They have also legislated away any of their own personal responsibility not only in the present but also in the past. Shaddy deals with big companies (the Siemens scandal), questionable real estate swaps (the Vatopedi scandal), shameful arms deals (the German listing submarine) along with an endless list of banking deals and pension plan hedging and trimming are all crimes not to be punished or investigated. The coalition government enjoys a full two thirds of parliamentary support and can do just about anything. Not one protest or strike to resist these measures all summer long. Could it be the calm before the storm? If so then we are in for a very rough ride as a still ship is no better than a sitting duck...
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